Sad plants.


So I have these afghan kush clones growing in a super soil. The only thing I add is ph balanced filtered water, and a very very small amount of organic tea compost. Room temp stays between 72 and 78 f. Rh is 50-80%
These have been in soil for about three weeks under almost perfect conditions. I wait for the soil to be very dry typically water every 3 days. Ph is about 6-6.5. I'm wondering if the soil having so many nutrients in it its locking out these little clones and slowing growth? The older leaves for the most part a fairly healthy, while some of the newer stuff at the bottom is yellowing. Theres no signs on bugs or fungus. I'm stumped. 20191226_153556.jpg20191226_153547.jpg
Also I'm doing some light LST just barely tugging on the plants so the full length of it can get some light. Please roast me on what I'm doing wrong. It's the only way I can learn and be successful.
It looks like a nitrogen deficiency to me. Are you checking the PH of your water every time you water your plants? Are you sure your PH Meter is calibrated? I use an air-stone to remove chlorine from my water and my last grow I would get the PH in range then use that water until the bucket was empty which sometimes took a week or two especially when the plants were younger. I learned the hard way that my water ph raises over time so when I would PH to 6-6.5 my first watering was perfect however the PH would raise so every subsequent watering was with water that had way to high PH. After a week the water went from 6.2 to 8.3 so now I check my PH right before I water every time which has solved my issue. Best of luck, hopefully someone with more experience then me can provide some more insight.
What kind of lighting do you have? And if you're doing the organic thing with super soil you shouldn't need to ph the water first. It's also best to not let the soil dry out if you want to keep all your microbial life happy when going organic.
I am using 315 watt CMH. So I have calibrated this PH tester, and I check every now and then with PH strips and it comes up with the same answer. And I actually just get water as I go, so I get filtered water check my ph, adjust it and then water. I think I flushed on the 27th with 5.9 ph water and as of today they look happier. I'm gonna continue with watering at about 5.9. I'll post a picture tomorrow after I water. I definitely think my PH in my soil was getting out of whack. Also did some more tying down today. Really trying to get some light to the whole body of the plant.
So quick update, seems like the larger leaves are yellowing and dying. Is this a part of the natural cycle? The younger and smaller leaves look fine. Just the big old bois
I'm thinking the same. This soil is pretty damn hot. I figured I should transplant from 1 gallon to 5. I know it's not great to go so big, but you it's what I got. Roots lookin good tho20200103_154200.jpg20200103_154200.jpg
Growing cannabis for the first time was also the first time I've used these pots.
Now I have no idea how I grew plants without them.
Glad you know, friend. May your harvest be blessed.
Update: lookin better every day. Transplanted and started feeding calmag and bloom at about 1000 ppm.
Lookin alot better...looks happy...she should grow aggressively if u can keep her healthy...I left town once n left a couple plants in someone else's care n came home n they were all yellow top to bottom...had to feed em like 3times in a row but they finally greened up n exploded from there.

Fabric pots are the best in my opinion and experience