Sad day


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your loss, never easy loosing someone close and cancer can be one of the worst diseases to battle. Unfortunately we all know too many folks with cancer, I went through a battle 5 years ago and met way too many folks that didn't make it. There's nothing more rewarding than helping someone get through their battle in any small way, providing meds for friends in that boat is what drives me to continue growing and advocating the benefits that helped me get through treatments. I've had 2 good friends loose the battle in the last couple of years and providing some relief in their battle was the most rewarding thing I've ever done in my life. Fuck cancer and fuck those who continue to put hurdles in our way to utilize one of the best meds available in fighting it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks again everyone for your commpassion and condolences. We also found that Indica strains worked way better for his pain than sativa. We used rockstar kush with best results the tangerine dream and chemdog did not bring much if any relief but that's what we had growing at the time so we went for it. Congrats GroErr on kicking cancers ass it's nice to hear of people helping others even with our fed government threating fines and imprisonment. We need more people like you and everyone else out there bro that will risk there freedom to save someone they love.

Peace and grow strong