Sad day in weed news......... :(


Well-Known Member
you should have said-"you have a warrant"?
then just dont open, if they say yes say kick that shit in then!
dudes lucky he didnt get shot imo

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
I have to assume you two are younger because I know nobody that acts like that. And I'm talking about both of your actions. Your dumbass friend for doing what he did, and your dumbass reaction of ripping up your plants because what you thought was a cop was knocking at your door. If a cop is knocking at your door he's not coming in unless you invite them in. And wouldn't you at least peak out before you would decide to destroy plants? This isn't news, this is a personal story that you should of kept to yourself because now you look like a big, DUMBASS. Not being a dick, being honest.


Well-Known Member
So today is a sad day here's the story so my best friend right hand man shows up at my door today but before that we were kicking it over phone just chatting it up an he never said anything about coming by today cause usually he will say I'm coming by. So i had a call come in i said hold took that call not even 10min later i get a knock at the door i say who they he says police i said let me put the dogs away now mind you it wasn't in his voice it really sounded like a cop. So i go to the grow room an rip up the plants throw them in my little hide away open the door an it's him so i'm at a lose in all that time an now i gotta start all over need new soil was an still am pissed grrrr but at least i have more seed so RIU i have for seeds sitting in water waiting to see a tap root then they go into rockwhool qubes then to soil grrr:evil::cry::cry::cry::cry:
Grammar, bro...grammar.


honestly you deserve it. if that were to happen to me i would of opened the door, been like what can i do for you. they have no right to go into your house and search for plants and if they did it would be an illegal search and siege and you would get off scott free. ask to see a warrent, and if they do have a warrent thaat means they have enough evidence to already charge you/put you away... over reacting like that, and ripping your plants out before you look out the window to see, or just open the damn door and see... wow. all i got to say. LOL if your that sketched out growing dont do it.


Well-Known Member
So today is a sad day here's the story so my best friend right hand man shows up at my door today but before that we were kicking it over phone just chatting it up an he never said anything about coming by today cause usually he will say I'm coming by. So i had a call come in i said hold took that call not even 10min later i get a knock at the door i say who they he says police i said let me put the dogs away now mind you it wasn't in his voice it really sounded like a cop. So i go to the grow room an rip up the plants throw them in my little hide away open the door an it's him so i'm at a lose in all that time an now i gotta start all over need new soil was an still am pissed grrrr but at least i have more seed so RIU i have for seeds sitting in water waiting to see a tap root then they go into rockwhool qubes then to soil grrr:evil::cry::cry::cry::cry:
How can you not see the humor in that?