Sabotage via Blue Spray

Last night 2 people drilled 3 holes into my shed and sprayed some nasty blue spray inside. It was slick like a fuel and when I burn the plants it got on, it went up in flames fast. After getting some out of the snow it had a paint odor to it and wasn't very flammable (mixed with water from snow)

I am currently 1 week away from harvest on 3 plants (MT Dew can size colas) and on day 20 of another cycles flower. The plants look bad. I burnt 5 or so that were DEAD from getting hit directly from the spray and cut off alot on the rest. Now I have 2 big ones a week from harvest that are completely shocked (Leafs standing strait up) and a few small ones that look almost under-watered with shock leafs. The spray was only in the room for 3-4 hours before I noticed (Could of been another 12 hours if I was lazy)

So I took the plants out and inside my house. Cut off the bad. Left them alone from 12 hours in there night cycle and cleaned the room. Now they are back inside getting 1000w sun. I only gave them water tonight, but ALOT of it. I'm trying hard not to get any on the leafs as to drip into my soil. I switched my fans so they are both blowing out of my grow shed to help it from fuming up.

What else can I do for my plants? I have small thumb size buds on the small ones and big buds on the big ones. Week 3/7 Flower

Also I plan to get a security system with at least 4 channels, Flood lights and this spring put a fence around it and get a watch dog who sleeps between the fence and my shed. Also a gun is now loaded sitting next to the sliding glass door. I already have an indoor cam, but I was lazy and had it unplugged.

Yes I understand someone don't like me. I understand who it is, and why he wants to be like me. I will take care of him over time and for the rest of my life, but for now. What can I do about my plants? Also safe to smoke?


Ursus marijanus
Probably nothing. Sorry.
As for safe to smoke, it depends on how much nonvolatile residue there is/was. I would select the safe route and turn'em into bubble hash. cn
Update: Dis morning a friend of mine and the person in question stopped by to tell me not to smoke my stuff, that it was poisoned by the person I thought it was.

The plants died. All but 3 lost its green and died in 48H. 3 stayed green but stopped producing buds. The veins coming off got real big for some reason. I was able to span off the main cola when just a little bit of pressure from my thumb and index finger. Also felt halo inside. It too was gonna be dead soon. Now my question is would clones produced from it be bad for any reason?

As for the person who did it. He is scared, and should be.