S.P.'s Indoor CFL Closet Grow.


Well. im about 40+ days into my 4th grow attempt. this being one i have put a little more time and effort into.. lol

This like said above is my 4th grow. its been 10 + years in the making. now that I own my own place I can hide it and actually grow from start to finish without anyone finding out. I have larked around various growing forums and used to be a mumber of OverGrow.com when it was in its prime. god, back when i was like 14. 15 years old. lol. I have since then decided to join here and hopefully get some more input on my grow as i have always just did it by reading grow FAQ's online.

some info on my grow. so its about 40+ days from germination. i have had the lights on and fan running for 24 hours till last week i switched to 18/6.

1st week

4th week

5th week.

I decided to trim some leaves off, and prune the tops.. this is the firstgrow where I have taken the main shoot off. andto be Honest I dont know how I feel about what i have done... lol

it's mostly good bag seed's i have gome across my whole smoking life. seeds from purple ercle, alaskin thunderfuck, og kush, bananna kush, and some others. I am useing 4, 12'' Florecent lights cool white. and plan on swapping the cool white to a warm white during flowering.

My plan is to make some money off this crop and invest it into a better lighting system like some kind of HPS light, and better seeds/ bigger pots ect. mostly growing for my self, and friends. (of course no one knows I am doing the growing.)

how do they look?


ok updated today. went to a local hardware store and picked up 15 CFL 100w lights. and 15 Bulb Recepticals. and added them in with my 4 12'' lights.

here are some pics 6/13/10



Anyone know what is causing my upper leaves on a few of my plants to turn yellow. one set almost looks white.

3 Days into flowering.



Well-Known Member
your plants are looking great! well except for the discoloring..not to sure what it is as I am new to this. is there any way of lowering your lights to the shorter plants without cutting off light from the taller plants??

Take a look at my grow if you got time, its my first time so any help is appreciated :)

sub'd to this thread...


Well-Known Member
Looks like you've got a zinc or iron deficiency... might want to check up on that though, I'm no pro. I have a small micronutrient I have for iron defs and it has some zinc in it too...


well I didnt get to check them out today. so i will have to wait till tomorrow morning to take a peep at them.. they are sleeping right now.. lol

I'll keep you updated if the yellow is subsiding or not.


well day 5 into 12/12 flowering. and i have found 4 for sure females. 2 for sure males. and the rest i can't tell there sex just yet.

how long do i have to find and get the males away from my females?


Ok so a week and 4 days into flowering and i have my males and females spotted. and separated. 8 Females, and 4 males.

so far so good. I will take and post pics at week 2.


yes. and now i am starting to see what i thought where female. and have what look like a female, and then down lower it is just a big pod, with no hairs.

so i pulled any suspicious plants out of the room with the ones i know are females. Now I only have the closet i am growing in. I have no where to put the males into any good light. unless they went outside. but i can't have them outside. should I just destroy them? the light they receive is outside light, so there not as perky looking as the females.

other then that its been 2 weeks flowering. looking good so far. i'll post pics later.


ok. update. 2 weeks & 3 days into flowering. I have a few that have what looks to me like hermi's the upprer portion has females pistles, and then lower on the plant just what looks to be a flower bud with no pistels coming out where the leaf stem comes of the shoot.

here are what are for sure males and or hermis. the outkast's.

and then all the ones that have no signs of male to them.

and the best looking one in the room.

How do they look? I have been using just a basic plant food. I mix it up in a gallon of water and watter them once every 2 days with just water. then the plant food mix once every week.


4th week into flowering. I think there are a few that look great. but overall so far so good.

I have been watering almost once a day. but every other day. and using a plant food 1/4th- 1 gallon water mix every week.



Thanks nice Hatch in ur avatar. Im a honda guy..

other then that i think they are doing pretty well. im trying my best ya know.