S.A.G.E. X zskittles

Mostly an outdoor greenhouse grow.
Beans from Mantis seeds
Sunshine mix #4 media
Fertlizer was Bio-Alive for vegging

Plants started indoors then moved out when sun hours were 16 hrs of light.
Experimenting with pots sizes. Some 15 gal hard plastic, some 20 gal cloth grow pots and 2 30 gal cloth grow pots

One plant was taken to flowering indoors then put outside once daylight hours hit 14 hours.
Comments and or suggestions welcome.SAGEGREENHOUSEBIGBEST824.jpgSAGECLOSEUPGREENHOUSE824.jpgSAGEGREENHOUSE824.jpgSAGE 822 greenhouse.jpg
The plants in the 20 gal and 30 gal grow bags are kicking into the plants into gear with new growth and definite thickening of the stem base. I think I will start in late May, next year in large 30 to 50 gallon grow pots. The soil here is crap without a lot of remediation, some of which I am doing otherwise I would direct plant, even in the greenhouse.
Indoors, the 1 S.A.G.E. X Skittlez fem is looking good. It is hard to believe that these 2 plants are sisters, same strain and planted the same day. One grown indoors only and one put out into the greenhouse. Getting some nice buds and now awaiting the bulking up. sage_indoor_macro2825.jpgsagepheno3bush825.jpg
Time for a monthly update. So far so good. I have hit a couple of nights of 32 degrees but as the ladies are in a unheated greenhouse, they have been protected so far. Thinking maybe another 3 to 4 weeks to finish.sage1002.jpgsage1002.jpgsage1002.jpgsagebud1002good.jpg