S.A.G.E/MK Ultra/Channel+,Coco/soilless, 1or2 600w + 1 400w HPS/MH, SCRoG/Lollipopped


Well-Known Member
Anyways recently had taken some clones before some plants were flowering and had started 3 mothers 1 of which i had laid to rest today due to not enough space and now 3 weeks later i am preparing for either a 2 600w light grow or just a 400w and 1 600w, depending on heating issues during peak cold (-50!!!).

Some information on what i got...

# of plants to be flowered; 14 or possibly 10.
9 under 1 600w MH bulb for veg, hps for flowering
1 monster plant or 5 under 1 400w and or a 600w.

Growing medium;
9 plants in CocoTek from General Hydroponics flushed 3x with ro water.
1 plant in humboldt soilless mix, i have used this soilless a few times and from personal experience id rate it a 7/10, has some ph fluctuations which ive managed to correct early on. Either way its a good soilles mix and ill also be doing few grows with Ocean forest a personal favorite.

I got a 5 stage reverse osmosis filter which due to me being well fed i dont have high enough pressure to use the reverse osmosis membrane i am just using 3 filters of which ill take some pics of my setup.

Ph 5.8 for Coco coir
Ph 6.2-6.5 for soilless

Vegetive nutrients;

Advanced nutrients sensi grow A + B
Voodoo juice

Flowering nutrients;

Snow Storm Ultra
Crystal burst
AN connoisseur A + B extremely light as my above nutrients already pack a punch

I also have bud candy, over drive, and big bud but I won't be using them as I prefer my line already.

Anyways I might flower one of my mothers who are still very young and doing a SCRoG with her and I got some Channel+ seeds germinating right now, day 1 as of today.

Will post more pictures soon.


Well-Known Member

I decided to take one of my mothers a S.A.G.E plant (from thseeds) and decided to put her under her own 400w hps as i had a spare light as i didnt want to kill my babeh and as of 6:30am this morning she started day 1 of flowering after a 12hour darkness period, i fed her 1/4 (1.25ml/gal) strength Snow Storm Ultra and 4ml/gal of Cal-Mag to give her some mag with a minute amount of nitrogen to keep her perky and colorful. Ill be increasing the strength of my nutrients besides Cal-Mag which will be every 2nd feeding so my schedule is the typical W-F-W-F but every other just water day ill be giving a foliar feed of Snow Storm Ultra and every other watering day ill be giving 2ml/gal Cal-Mag since im using 100~ppm water.

Some pics of my S.A.G.E under a 400w SCRoG in a single 5 gal bucket with 30/70 perilite/soilless mix with 3 inches of perilite at bottom of bucket to help drain and not water log.

More pics of my clones that'll be under 2 600wers soon.


Well-Known Member
@update 10 days later,

anyways I now have 5 plants under a single 600w light that are S.A.G.E that will be LST'd with trellis netting for support, scrog pretty much.

these plants are in cocotek coco coir being fed sensi grow and cal mag +, mainly cal mag atm. bout to start flowering once I see a few more tops pop up and that'll be within a week, as you can see I'm using milk crates that have 1 side cut off so I can slide a bucket underneath for water run off, also the crates make good use for LSTing as you can see in the pics.

A couple days ago.


more pics of my monster plant 2 weeks in flowering soon to come


Well-Known Member

End of week 2 flowering tonight and got only 9 more weeks to go on this beast,

some pics, I rearranged my grow room and now have my 5 little S.A.G.Es starting day 1 of flowering today,

the plants under the 600w



Sweet grow man. I'm excited to see how this turns out. Are your SAGE and MK Ultra from TH Seeds? That looks like a legit LST setup. I'm still torn between intense training or quantity of plants. Just don't know. Peace.Outlaw


Well-Known Member
ya both are from th seeds, i harvested an mk ultra a few weeks ago that smells like a very fruity earthy smell, id compared it to a kush strain with a few sweet smell and tastes amazing, i had to scrap an mk ultra clone so i now gotta buy some more seeds but it was fore sure some good bud. i was originally going to use 9 plants instead of 5 but those 5 turned out really good looking and i dscided 5 was enough, i tried multiple lst methods to get a feel for them and ive got some sick ideas for my next setup once i get some more money.

but ya after doing a scrog ill never do anything else besides a sog possibly in the future.


Well-Known Member

Start of week 4 of my big sage plant under a 400wer, I had removed the chicken wire and went with trellis netting and using the green plastic coated wire to direct branches. Due to not knowing this plants stretching period so much it is shorter than I'd but it's still growing up and it's given me insight on when to allow my other 5 to grow up past the screen. yield won't be affected so much bute
either way it's for personal.

and the 5 smaller sages starting week 2 today, I purchased some smaller trellis netting and I am very pleased with the results.

not to many replies, is it the strain? not to many journals on this 1


Well-Known Member
start of week 5 in 2 days and plants are looking very healthy, makes me tear up everytime i see em.

ill also be starting my "harvest a plant in less than 45 days flowering" which will provide alot of unknown information and show some very cool controlled experimentation in january.

i also have 3 channel + seedlings that are day 5 of veg which will be next run and ill be adding my 2nd 600wer to the grow room within 2 weeks with a very stinky pineapple express.

still few replies, dont know why :o