Your girls are definitely looking better! It takes a little while to correct a mag deficiency and using foliar spray like you have been should get you there quicker. How is your nutrient water supplied to the root chambers? Internal spray tubes? undercurrent? flood & drain?
Thanks - your advice was a big help, along with a lot of research and learning - which is what this first grow is about. How long should I keep up the foliar feed? Was going to do it again today but not sure when to stop and let the roots take over. I'm also not sure if the red stem on the previously droopy one will ever green up or not. Any tips there is appreciated.
Water is supplied to the root chamber via 1/2 pvc pipe system with 180 deg misters on both sides pointing towards the pot. It's the basic stinkbud rail system with a couple of design tweaks for better height over the reservoir and larger net pots.
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