Rustspots necrosis WTF


Couple girls have necrosis spots on lower fan leaves. Just spots! Plant is 3 weeks in a 10 gallon, new healthy shoots and it's the only one that's doing this. Other than the above prob like I said its gorgeous . Checked my run off its at 6.3 , perfect for soil , I think. Added cal mag to my nutes and now another is developing a rusty spot or two but again otherwise a beauty. WTF is going on!!!!


Well-Known Member
Pics would help -- there are several possible causes for spots and folks need to see what they look like, both by themselves and in relation to the rest of the plant. Also, with soil it takes a little bit of time for new spots to stop -- with hydro it's more immediate. If it's a cal-mag issue and you've added cal-mag, new spotting should stop within a few days. You'll always have the old spotting, as that doesn't repair itself.

Also info on nutes/soil composition, etc. would help, too!


Pics to come. Soilless pro mix,Wiggle worm castings, , using botanic Pure blend veg 20ml/gal with calmag 15ml/ , great white myichorzae, and the water is RO. I go 1 day feed, 2days nothing, 1 day RO , 2 days off. Running Led's so heat and watering are minimal .


New Member
If you say your ph is spot on ,It could be rust fungus .Are you ph'ing your water before you add it?.. the 6.3 run off might not be a true reflection of what the ph is ... well thats my theory anyway, could be wrong.. say for instance your soil ph is actually 5.2 and what your adding is actually 7.2 , would the run off not come off somewhere in the middle? while in reality the soil is too acid and the solution is to alky... just a thought ,maybe someone can clear that up .. but honestly if thats not right i have no idea i always have had no issue like this with proper ph managment.. thats why i also say it could be rust fungus


Ursus marijanus
It looks like splash burn to me ... injury, not systemic trouble. Leaf tip is a wee bit bleached though ... cn

sheik yerbouti

Active Member
2nd the splash burn. What kind of lighting is that under? pics of the entire plant would help as the leaf color and vein color is nice


Well-Known Member
looks to me like a calcium issue, might have some burn in the middle but the outer leaves look like cal, did it do this before you added the cal or before?


before the cal, plant is growing great other than that so I think the problem is under control. I think it may be a case of careless splash burn