Well-Known Member
Things sure have changed since I was in the military. I was in crypto and Russia was not our friend.
Politicians try to get elected. If they have the influence in the party, they use it. Nothing the DNC did shocked me nor should it have shocked anyone not playing Pollyanna. The only thing different is that DNC shit got spread all over. You really think the Republicans didn't get hacked? You should concern yourself with what Wikileaks did not release and how it will be used against the party in power.
Glad you feel good about yourself being Polly Purebread @Padawanbater2 , but little boys like you get chewed up and spit out in the political process as soon as the rainbow glasses fall from your eyes... And we end up with Trump.
Things sure have changed since I was in the military. I was in crypto and Russia was not our friend.
Sorry, it is irrelevant to the investigation of Russia hacking American political systems and influencing our election.
I am shocked that you are misguided enough to suggest that somebody being blackmailed having done something they do not want exposed somehow justifies the blackmailer breaking into their home and stealing things.not to mention the fact that you are willing to accept the influence of Wikileaks despite their obvious ill intent to the American political system.
And I am tired of your fucking whining. I am done with you.
The big picture is likely both sides emails were hacked; yet only one side leaked. Sounds like someone is pulling the puppet strings of the side left unscathed.I have a problem. I agree with @UncleBuck AND @Unclebaldrick AND @Padawanbater2 AND @HAF2 AND @schuylaar AND @Grandpapy and yet you're all quibbling over details instead of looking at the big picture.
The big picture is pretty fucking scary, just saying.
The big picture is likely both sides emails were hacked; yet only one side leaked. Sounds like someone is pulling the puppet strings of the side left unscathed.
If you believe that, then I have a bridge i'd like to sell you.The right had nothing to expose that was news worthy.
It is not a deflection. It was part of what was uncovered.Deflecting causes yeast infections
You beleive pizzagate was a real thing? No offence meant but are you fucking high?It is not a deflection. It was part of what was uncovered.
It has happened, is happening, and will continue to happen as long as people are largely unaware of it.
That is what pizzagate is about. Uncovering the network of pedophiles right under our nose.
The big picture is likely both sides emails were hacked; yet only one side leaked. Sounds like someone is pulling the puppet strings of the side left unscathed.
Pizzagate? Underground sex rings of children talked about as pepperoni? Hilary is a Reptillian? The world is in a snow globe?Think bigger.
You beleive pizzagate was a real thing? No offence meant but are you fucking high?
Of course I think child trafficking happens; and it's a rediculous conclusion to make that since I believe pizzagate is a fallacy that I don't believe people traffic children.Look into it. Dont read the news about it. Do your own research. The fake news craze happened when pizzagate started trending. Its been going on forever and rings have been busted in governments across the world.
Do you think child trafficking doesnt happen?
Okay, now I know you actually are that stupid, probably more so.Look into it. Dont read the news about it. Do your own research. The fake news craze happened when pizzagate started trending. Its been going on forever and rings have been busted in governments across the world.
Do you think child trafficking doesnt happen?
Don't get me mixed up with the fake news believers.Pizzagate? Underground sex rings of children talked about as pepperoni? Hilary is a Reptillian? The world is in a snow globe?
What Year is it??