rush limbaugh.....


Active Member
his income is directly connected to his viewership. thats why the liberal media, as well as newpapers, magazines, etc, is down and out? and fox and freinds are huge? maybe we should steal their money then. isent that the thing lately? is someone has employees, so what. put em out of business. teach em a lesson for making a profit? no profits=no jobs, but noone understands this. so we destroy all rich. cool. now. is anybody working?????? or just standing in line for ohbama freebies, while grunting ug-ug! -feed me feed me!!! losers. america is great. work hard and succede the class warfare thing is a waste of time! it dont work! and if it did, we would be like greece right now!. you need more than a printing press, my freind....also. sites like this, have alot of liberal users. i accept this. i was one. lol!!! everyone owed me a living. the neighbors, the town i lived in, the goverment, hell, if there was no military, they could divy up the cash, and we could all afford a pound of our favorite weed!! sweet. if they can spend a dime on a bomb (to kill children,lol) then they can give it to me, so i dont have to work, and just get high.........right. for all those with this attitude, i would reccomend leaving this country....fair enough? (or should we be FORCED to listen to your leftist drivel?)


Active Member
its okay for a liberal to have had a problem with alcohol or drugs, tho......right??? why does he have so much money? becasue he has a huge audience!!! so whats that tell u? just keep standing thier with your hand out...........and wonder why weedheads get a bad rap on their mentality....

jessy koons

New Member
his income is directly connected to his viewership. thats why the liberal media, as well as newpapers, magazines, etc, is down and out? and fox and freinds are huge? maybe we should steal their money then. isent that the thing lately? is someone has employees, so what. put em out of business. teach em a lesson for making a profit? no profits=no jobs, but noone understands this. so we destroy all rich. cool. now. is anybody working?????? or just standing in line for ohbama freebies, while grunting ug-ug! -feed me feed me!!! losers. america is great. work hard and succede the class warfare thing is a waste of time! it dont work! and if it did, we would be like greece right now!. you need more than a printing press, my freind....
You rant kind of like Limbaugh. Was that intentional?

jessy koons

New Member
its okay for a liberal to have had a problem with alcohol or drugs, tho......right??? why does he have so much money? becasue he has a huge audience!!! so whats that tell u? just keep standing thier with your hand out...........and wonder why weedheads get a bad rap on their mentality....
Now you sound just like him. If you wonder what that sounds like, I will tell you; you sound a angry and little unstable. This is not an attractive manner of communication.


Active Member
no. i just get involved. my freinds, of which just took a oz of bc godbud off my hands, as well as a few grams of aliendawg, he knows me to be good people. i am. i think its cool when people can "discuss" things, agreeing to disagree, and still be freinds!! im not the hatefull type. i am a bit strict, tho. and i am happy to make your aquaintance!!


Active Member
liberal outlets, are king at editing anything. you dont even notice the cut in the film. so nasty. to take a truth, and make it a lie, to the public. disgracefull!


Active Member
agreed! im not unstabel. angry. hmmm. would you be angry, if you saw your county going up in flames, for no GOOD reason? nothing has changed, in the last 30 years, other than our buisnesses being taxed, and regulated out of the country. the current people thinks that by beating up buis, they will be more happy to emoloy more,. but the prob is, is that a good amoont of people dont want to work anyway. so they should SHUT THEIR MOUTHS!!


Well-Known Member
Rush Limbaugh is a marketing genius.

One of the left coast colleges did a study of talk show hosts and deemed Rush the most accurate. I think it was Cal-Berkely but not sure. I was floored because I don't listen to him and only hear what other people play, I just assumed he was fos from my limited experience.

jessy koons

New Member
You have some strong opinions that I'm not really in a mood to challenge. A member of RUI named Uncle Buck will probably be by shortly, I think that you'll really like him and find him to be in agreement with you on just about everything. Take care and good luck


Active Member
THATS what pisses off the left!! they dont like things like : rules.laws. morales. or money. (unless its "free").


Well-Known Member
agreed! im not unstabel. angry. hmmm. would you be angry, if you saw your county going up in flames, for no GOOD reason? nothing has changed, in the last 30 years, other than our buisnesses being taxed, and regulated out of the country. the current people thinks that by beating up buis, they will be more happy to emoloy more,. but the prob is, is that a good amoont of people dont want to work anyway. so they should SHUT THEIR MOUTHS!!

Jesus fucking christ my 9 year old uses the english language better than you. Are you drunk or something?