Rural America.

I have to say I like rural life.

I will also say there are a lot of closed minded people.

I will even say that I've said and acted in ways I'm not proud of. I've said some racist and bigoted things.

I was just parroting the things I heard growing up.

It wasn't until I went into the military that I let most of that stuff go.

Not all of us rednecks are racist bigots. People do change.
Similar to the trajectory of my social growth. In fact I would not say that is even a redneck thing. Plenty of privileged and even very liberal urbanites can (should) say something very similar.
What are those classes in the military? The ones about racism and sexual harassment.

Yea. I had to take one. I'm not proud of it.

Live and learn.
Everyone gets them now. Now instead of having to take the class as corrective measure, the offender must give the class to the whole company. Maybe that was just my old unit though. I must have sat through at least a hundred. Of course I was in 2/504 the "White Devils".
Wow have I got answers. I was born in Appalachia. But I got out. I since have moved back and retired. HeeHaw is still popular on RFDTv. $9 an hour. People making that for years. No raises. These are real jobs in this community. Driving a sprayer etc. No plan. No drive. I married one. Hard worker. Takes care of me. But she couldn't make it in the real world. They can tell you what movie star or country singer is married to who. It's been handed down for generations. I've been married almost 50 years. She will not change. Her mother was the same way. The rest of her family are mostly the same. I have the patience of Jobe.
Everyone gets them now. Now instead of having to take the class as corrective measure, the offender must give the class to the whole company. Maybe that was just my old unit though. I must have sat through at least a hundred. Of course I was in 2/504 the "White Devils".
They made my whole shop take the class on a Saturday.

I stood up and apologized and explained what I did. I explained it was my fault and the whole unit shouldn't be punished.

The person doing the class let everyone else leave.
I must admit, i think it is you that has the problem.
You find it difficult to empathise with people, i think that is a trait of city living.
A, i know everything attitude, and fuck you if you dont think the same way i do.
I think you need to mature a little.
Maybe living in the sticks might alow you to see how ugly your world views have become?
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I must admit, i think it is you that has the problem.
You find it difficult to empathise with people, that is a trait of city living.
A, i know everything attitude, and fuck you if you dont think the same way i do.
I think you need to mature a little.
Maybe living in the sticks might alow you to see how ugly your world views have become?
You honor me by criticizing me.
Yea I hear it's a conservatives dream land! Militarized police, accused have no rights, little to no govt control of business, no environmental regulation, little social safety net, everything the conservative desires! Lol
Don't forget rampant lawlessness, poverty, hunger and abuse of basic human rights!

All while the ultra rich ride by in their Mercedes, flanked by their own private armies of security guards!

What a great vision for America!

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Don't forget rampant lawlessness, poverty, hunger and abuse of basic human rights!

All while the ultra rich ride by in their Mercedes, formed by their own private armies of security guards!

What a great vision for America!


Iv always wondered why conservatives don't flock to countries like Mexico or really even more extreme examples in 3rd world, it's everything they describe as bliss...