Well-Known Member
That’s NOT what you were saying.
you’ve been talking about runoff pH.
we are saying that runoff pH is NOT ACCURATE!
you are the one advising people to check it for information.
what information?
what is it actually going to tell you?
If you hit a Salt pocket - and you do leach the salts out of that pocket the higher salinity will have a lower pH more often than not anyway and won’t be accurate!
If your medium is hydrophobic and the water you use runs straight through without actually being absorbed into the medium then you’re just testing water that hasn’t been anywhere as it’s gone straight through the medium and never touched anything.
starting to see why runoff pH can’t be accurately tested for any reliability?
Or are you going to change the narrative again to suit something else you’ve said and changed again?
here are some quotes from this thread. maybe i read them wrong, but to me they seem to imply ph doesn't matter
''It's the actual reasoning why testing pH in soil doesn't help. I have explained it.''
''Because in organic soil, there's different organic matter in it that buffer it. Unless you're not growing organically.''
''If you're using salts, yes I get it, but that's not a living organic soil. You don't have to ph living soil. ''
''Once you do organics properly, you do not concern about pH at all. ''
My advice it to figure out the ph of the growing medium before making other changes to the growing medium. I believe I have tested enough run off to tell if something is out of wack from it. If you think that is not possible, that's fine, I do think it's possible.
I suggest it because I believe with a little thinking, you can tell if something is way off and worth looking into further and using another method to get a more accurate reading.
It is also the quickest and easiest way, if you don't have a soil ph pen. imo
Say I have a plant in soil and it's not growing well, I test run off and it's in the 5's, while watering with 7ph. To me that says there is a good chance my soil ph may be to low.
say I have plant in soil and it's not growing well, I test run off and it's 6.4, while watering with 7.0 ph. To me that says ph is most likely not the issue.
If you can show me where people have had the above situations, and what I just said is not even close accurate, show me and I will be less likely to advise ever looking at run off.
I'm starting to advise just put your ph pen into medium gently until getting a reading, in a few spots to help ensure consistency . If this is bad, let me know and let me know why.
any method you use that I have heard so far has the possibility of running into a salt pocket.