Running space heater help!/?


Well-Known Member
You could get one of those ceramic heaters. They don't glow like radiant heaters. Or an oil-filled heater that looks like an old-time steam radiator. Neither of these get hot enough to start a fire and are much safer.


Well-Known Member
go to walmart and get a ceramic fan like the man said.i use 1 to every winter.Im limited on amps they sell 1 that has 3 heating stages. has a little orange bulb that glows.ELECTRIC TAPE. no prob 3 yrs running


Well-Known Member
Awesome...just happened to have the same exact question.

Except I'm deep into flower at day 50..
Colorado springs is gonna be down right cold as fuck for someone growing inside an un-insulated garage.

Gonna have to bite the bullet and spend some cash (actually fucking credit) to buy a heater that is fire safe and won't glow in my bloom room... the challenges Mother Nature bestows upon us growers. Especially the rookie, like me..
:( dagnabbit..

Broke as shit, gonna have to” charge it”

Anybody know if Harbor Freight carries these” no glow” radiant heater?
^ prolly a fire waiting to happen with HF though??


Well-Known Member
I have to use one during the winter in the Northeast. I'm not crazy about it but I have no choice.
What I do though is set mine on a timer so it goes off and on and has a chance to cool down several times a night. I only run it during lights out periods.