running out


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you need to increase either your yield or the size of your grow space. Good luck :)
I think the seperate grow rooms is a must...but its not that I'm running completly out its just the fact that I don't have a good schedule down...I go 3 months so there is a dry harvesting like once a month possible? Like have clones coming up an vegging while others are flowering and then a month they into that throw another group with them...I don't just throwing my ideas out there...but thanks for the info lol


Well-Known Member
Perpetual grows basically double your yields, assuming your veg+germ+sprout time = flower time. With 6 plants, of mixed 8 week strains, I am harvesting a plant every 1-2 weeks. Every time a plant is ready to harvest it comes out of flower and there is one ready from veg to take its place; there are ALWAYS 6 plants in flower no matter what. Veg has to anticipate what is needed. Cloning is really handy here as you can clone any plant you move to flower, which will usually be ready to flower themselves around when their parent is harvested. From time to time you sprout a few seeds to get some new genetics in :)

Also methods like sog and scrog are good strategies for maximizing yield. Most of the better than 1g/w grows I see are scrog/sog.