Running out of room.


Active Member
What to do what to do.... I currently have about 26'' of room so i decided to go with an autoflowering strain since they supposedly stay pretty short. I have 10 NL autos that are getting HUGE. They just started flowering this week and the tallest is already 20''. Is it too late for some training? I have aircooled lamps so I'm fine with growing them right up to the light. I topped one plant 3 weeks ago just to test it out and see what happens. Shes doing great but still taller than expected! Anybody else come acrosse a problem like thiss What was your solution?



Active Member
Yeah, it is too late for LST. You can lean the buds over but that won't help you much. 26" is just too short - plan ahead better next time and do 12/12 from seed. Find a new grow space cause it's gonna be tough to manage if you let them over grow their space. I always try to have lots of overhead cause you don't have to worry about anything that way.


Active Member
you can do it whenever its only slightly bending or tying the plant.
Hmm, LST is when you bend the growth tip all the way over to encourage primary growth on the lower nodes... It's not LST if you slightly bend it over... Like if someone leans the buds to the side during flower IMO that is NOT an LST'd plant.


Active Member
Yeah i didnt have much of an option. The space is a little taller than 3 ft but after the containers theres only 26'' left. Nirvana said this strain is "short". I was shooting for 2 ft autoflowers but looks like i just got involved with a tall strain.


Active Member
Word what kind of side space do you have? if you have enough you might be able to lean them until they hit the light level... but do it soon because in about a week the side branches will snap easily if you try to lean... Also you might want to stake the branches you lean eventually because stems can snap under nugget weight if they are leaning especially on a small plant


Well-Known Member
he said he was one week into flowering thats not too late in fact ample timing to train the huge amount of new growth from switching to flower.


Active Member
The space of the grow area is 12'x4x3'
Heres a pic i took a few days ago. The two on the left are non autos (freebees from nirvana)
The tallest is the NL auto and the one auto that I topped is right in front of it. Sorry bout the crappy quality lol.

