Running lights at night due to cold??

cannabis culture

Well-Known Member
I'm thinking about running my light at night instead of day due to colder night time temps starting now (I live farrrr northern us around the 47th parallel) I want to start running my lights at night now indefinetly and want to get some advice from people who run theirs at night due to cold outside temps. Could anyone please give me some examples of their outside temp? Right around now-winter? Right now were starting to get temps astound the 30s-40s f at night. All help would be greatly appreciated!

danky supreme

Well-Known Member
I switched from running at 7am-7pm to 7pm-7am because daytime temps were 90ish degrees and night temps were down to 60ish. I am running 1000 watts in a 6 x 6 closet and it was.impossible to keep the temps to an acceptable level. Once i switched my schedule my room was 10 degrees cooler. I had to get an a.c. and run ducting from it to my closet in order to finally get temps where they need to be.

However your personal situation is unique to you so your best start is to get a thermometer that measures high/low temps, switch to running at night, and experiment from there. I was mid flower when i switched my schedule and experienced no negative effects.

danky supreme

Well-Known Member
I switched from running at 7am-7pm to 7pm-7am because daytime temps were 90ish degrees and night temps were down to 60ish. I am running 1000 watts in a 6 x 6 closet and it was.impossible to keep the temps to an acceptable level. Once i switched my schedule my room was 10 degrees cooler. I had to get an a.c. and run ducting from it to my closet in order to finally get temps where they need to be.

However your personal situation is unique to you so your best start is to get a thermometer that measures high/low temps, switch to running at night, and experiment from there. I was mid flower when i switched my schedule and experienced no negative effects.


Active Member
I did that all year up to this summer. Made things interesting whenever I had to switch the light cycle in order to take them outside. I had a lot of debate on how to handle that... Got it done though and plants transitioned nicely. Only issue I had with running at night was the maintenance always had to be done right before I went to bed which was a pain in the ass. Besides that the savings on my power bill were nice. But I'm sure you could work your light cycle depending on how many on/off hours and when you go to bed so that it will be convenient.

Last year it was like -30 C quite a bit where I am, and I did the light at night thing and it worked fantastic temperature wise. Whenever I did the light cycle change in spring though it was getting crazy, way to hot; but I had insufficient ventilation.

danky supreme

Well-Known Member
Yes running at night is a pain in the ass in terms of working around the light schedule. What really helps is to get a green light. I got one off of amazon for like $15 that can attach to ur head. It looks ridiculous while wearing it but its nice to have both hands to work. Worst case scenario just use it as a flashlight. In case you didnt know plants do not absorb green light so u can use it at night woth no worries of messing with ur photoperiod.


Active Member
Yes running at night is a pain in the ass in terms of working around the light schedule. What really helps is to get a green light. I got one off of amazon for like $15 that can attach to ur head. It looks ridiculous while wearing it but its nice to have both hands to work. Worst case scenario just use it as a flashlight. In case you didnt know plants do not absorb green light so u can use it at night woth no worries of messing with ur photoperiod.
I didn't know that, learn something new every time I check in. Thanks, I'll definitely be investing in one of those.


Well-Known Member
I did that too, then while seeing the empty dark room all day it hit me. Turn the damn thing back on. I was a little crowded in the vegging area anyhow, so I just started running 2 shifts. I just move the plants from a dark room to the light room every 12 hours, and I leave the lights on effectively doubling my flowering space.


Active Member
I run at night and its so much easyer to keep my temps lower outside now its 5c so its cold haha


Active Member
i run at night as well and im pretty close to you but even farther north. it is also better for your bills as most companies charge a premium during the day.

danky supreme

Well-Known Member
I did that too, then while seeing the empty dark room all day it hit me. Turn the damn thing back on. I was a little crowded in the vegging area anyhow, so I just started running 2 shifts. I just move the plants from a dark room to the light room every 12 hours, and I leave the lights on effectively doubling my flowering space.
I give you props for doing that consistantly. Moving plants around every 12 hours would drive me nuts. If it wasnt for timers i wouldnt even bother growing indoors and have never had the opportinity for outdoor so....


Well-Known Member
Don't forget where these plants first grew. Up on the side of a mountain.
Now is the time to harden your plants off for cold. If you harden them off they can take cold temps.