Running a a greenhouse??

but as for potency green house plastic & glass blocks beneficial UV rays which boosts potency the for the last few weeks of budding. so supplementing UV is beneficial for the last two week before harvest to crank up potency but i don't think they have 1000 watt bulbs with UV just t5 & have a light mover
but be careful when using UV light its good for the bud but not for your skin. tanning bulbs are UV people are dumb sometimes lol
but be careful when using UV light its good for the bud but not for your skin. tanning bulbs are UV people are dumb sometimes lol
Don't ever look at one while it's running without shades on, wear uv blocking sunglasses around them at all times, and preferably put UV lamps on a separate circuit to enable you to shut them off completely anytime you enter the space.

There's gonna be a lot of old growers with eye damage. Don't be one of them.
i believe a grey day still emits more light than any lightbulb, hence the reason you can still get sunburn on a cloudy day.

wrong. Sunburns are caused by UV rays not light intensity.

Sunlight doesn't keep a consistent intensity through out the day tapers on and off, mid-mornings/afternoons are not as intense as high noon, clouds come and go, tall objects nearby will cast shadows, etc. Supplemental lighting is consistent from on till off.
Or just google supplemental lighting in a greenhouse. Lots of studies and articles showing the value, especially for high-value crops like ours.
Every greenhouse I've personally worked on that was designed for cannabis (more than half a dozen big ones), had supplemental lighting. I don't design the light systems, but they are always there. I've done designs for dozens more greenhouses on paper, and the electrical layouts always show supplementary lighting. So at the professional level, this is a settled question.

Edit: working on another big greenhouse project right now, so I checked those plans too; yep, supplemental lighting present.
Jumping in a year late, what about light during cloudy days WITHOUT a green house when you only have 2 plants going? I feel like I could put a few CFL’s on them, during this overcast week, but without a greenhouse to keep it in, would it make it pointless? The electric bill isn’t an issue. Advice for the noob?


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