Runaway Dealers...


Well-Known Member
This is Toke and talk..but i aint fucking toking. This fuckhead that I recently scored sum skunky shit off, just ran off with my $50 bux... fucking arsehole...

Has anyone had this shit done to them b4? (he did'nt literally run off, hes a sneeky fucker)
Ye once a while ago. I dont like talking about it. But you learn. Don't hand over money till you see your purchase.
Yes its happened sumo, You need to ask to see the product before handing over your money. Dont buy / sell with people you dont know, your asking to get arrested or ripped off or both. I know people who have received / done things as far as blow up someones car, set property on fire, cars shot at with guns, houses looted of all valuables, car stereos stolen over ripping someone off a small amount of money or pot. Just ask to see the product first, then hand the dude the money and everyone is cool, if he wont do it that way and insists on being paid first to come back with your nugs, then find someone else.
Where I'm from, things such as what pyro said would be common if you ripped someone off in the slightest. Ripping someone off could cost you your life, shitty, but true.
That is why I only deal with the same guy for 20 years, no rip offs. That sucks dude.
ok, so this morning I got my friends phone and txted that bastard saying im 'Josh' who wants to score. We organised a place to meet, belmont park at 2:30. Me and my m8 got there first and hid in the bushes (yeah pretty ridiculous). After about 15 minutes (2:45 fucking late shithead) he came and sat down at the park bench and got out his phone to send a text to say that he was there. We got out of our hiding place (meh..) and walked towards him, Cunt looked like he just shat his pants and he took off sprinting to his car the secong he saw us. Good thing I brought my m8, skinny fast dude. My m8 grabbed the bastards jersy and took him to the concrete ground, he fell like a sack of bricks... I caught up (within seconds lol I aint no fat shite) and cracked the fucker named 'Rob the dealer' in the nose about 3 times till he yelled like the bitch he is. 'You piece of shit weres my fucking 50 bux?'. I rummaged in his pocket and pulled out... Sweet a wallet, opened it up and took out all of his money (70 bux). kicked him in the stomach, then we gapped it.

If you think i did the wrong thing, go fuk ureself, u obviously havent been ripped off before.
Yes its happened sumo, You need to ask to see the product before handing over your money. Dont buy / sell with people you dont know, your asking to get arrested or ripped off or both. I know people who have received / done things as far as blow up someones car, set property on fire, cars shot at with guns, houses looted of all valuables, car stereos stolen over ripping someone off a small amount of money or pot. Just ask to see the product first, then hand the dude the money and everyone is cool, if he wont do it that way and insists on being paid first to come back with your nugs, then find someone else.

It's surprising how far people take things.

I also know people who have gone through those things except that one time a guy got his car stereo jacked, and being the crazy guy he is, he bought a grenade (it's the ghetto, so...) and smashed the guys' car window, got the stereo back, then threw the grenade inside the car and bolted. No joke... :blsmoke:
Gettin ripped off by dealers happens to every1 a couple times, whether its just gettin shitty quality/fake weed for what u paid , or them just takin ur money and givin u nothin. Most the times happen when u start and dont know much. It happened to me 2 times, but I let it go to avoid violence and shit. Hasnt happened to me in a long time though since I just buy from my friends or ppl I know now.

SumO, I think u did the right thing by beatin the shit out of that guy lol. I like to keep things peaceful but cheatin ppl is wrong. If dealers just gave ppl good stuff and the right amount then ppl would have way more respect for them. I know some good dealers that stay true about things and dont cheat ppl, and i got a lot of respect for them. Cheatin ppl has led to a lot of violence, and all that shit could have been avoided if ppl werent so damn greedy and didnt cheat ppl. Keep the Peace.
Pretty much everyone has been ripped off at least once in their life. It sucks. Once you get the chance to grow your own you will never look back. Nothing better than knowing you are smoking weed that would cost someone 400$ oz, but cost you 12$. P.S. It all costs the same if you get busted the legal fees come out to be the same.
Well you got yours back. Good job. A pity you didnt take the weed he was supposed to hook with also.
I think its all part of the game. if you want to deal with dickhead dealers then you gotta be ready for shisty shit to go down. good job on opening a can of whoop-ass. shit now that i think about it ive been ripped off and i have ripped people off. I think its a good learning experince, you see what people are capible of doing, when i got jacked some dirty shit happened, then again ive shorted ppl really bad and they kept coming back. im past all that now. i keep to myself and try and hold a low profile.