Well-Known Member
Workin like a sumbitch.
Your peers the jury? btw I like cops around too, long as they are assisting me not harassing and don't mind being recorded for quality control and training purposes, recognizing my right to be a journalist on a whim and respecting the freedom of the press.
Rob Roy has this position that we can exist without government and it is simply not the case. One of the basic needs of society is protection and security. Humans are animals. Even with coercion they sometimes do not act in the interest of the society. If society cannot protect itself it will be absorbed or eliminated by the next group to come by.
I am not an anarchist. I believe that any society has to have a structure to exist. When we founded this country we had a constitution that limited the power of government. The document has been perverted to become a massive centralized bureaucracy that the founders fought against. They knew this would happen, they wrote about it. They also said if we give up our freedoms then fuck us.. We havent been paying attention.