Run Off Management in regards to EC


Active Member
So.... I’ve recently entered the corporate cannabis world and I’m humbled.
I have a question in regards to managing run off ec/ppm.
How I would manage a drain to waste
Week 4 veg
Monday: feed 700 ppm
Tuesday: no water
Wednesday: 700 ppm —-> 800 ppm
800-700=100ppm build up

week 4 veg
Monday: feed 700 ppm
Tuesday : no water
Wednesday: feed 700 ppm——->700ppm
700-700=o build up ie. My plant ate the entirety of my 700 ppm feed on Monday.

now...... here is where I get confused
In what way would this example make sense and is it something You would see and why would you see it..... and that is run off coming out lower than solution in.... example
Monday: feed 700 ppm
Tuesday: no water
Wednesday: feed 700 ppm—->500 ppm out
700-500= 200 ppm being eating immediately ? Lol
Facka I’m confused.

hope all this makes sense and below are room specs:
Multi strain rooms
9 plants per room finishing in 20 gallons pro mix hp
90/10 perlite
Veghed under t5 w/co2
9 gavitas and 4 315 cmh per room per 9 plants
W/ co2 levels 1500
Ro water house an garden coco a and b with drip clean multi zen buds well and a few other additives depending
Temps at canopy range 80-high 90s with fairly significant swings at night 15 degrees or we don’t have a master controller for any rooms.
Humidity for rooms tends to run low of 30% high of 45%
If I forgot any important specs just let me know and I will answer.

please speak from hands on research point of view.
Someone school me on run off food management

blessings and thanks

Chip Green

Well-Known Member
I've seen my 200+ ppm tap water get slightly "cleaned" by running it through washed coco.
It could have been a fluke, potential cheap meter snafu...but I attributed it to the cation exchange capacity of the coco stripping whatever minerals it could grab from in my tap water.

Never tried to replicate the scenario however.


Active Member
I've seen my 200+ ppm tap water get slightly "cleaned" by running it through washed coco.
It could have been a fluke, potential cheap meter snafu...but I attributed it to the cation exchange capacity of the coco stripping whatever minerals it could grab from in my tap water.

Never tried to replicate the scenario however.
Roger. Maybe your tap was mostly calmag