Run off color


I am growing 6 plants about half of them have a light yellow run-off the other 3 have a dark brown color to it. Is this an issue? Is the coco not packed tightly enough in some?

I am growing in Coco/perlite.

PH 5.9


Was your coco prerinsed? If not did you rinse it? Is it recycled? Doing anything different to them?


I had both a bag of coco and a bricks. I soaked them mixed it with perlite loaded the pots and then let them drain once. I then transferred the plants and watered them.

3 of the pots were mostly coco from a bag mixed with perlite. The other 3 were coco from brick and perlite.


The 3 from the bag were rinsed, the brick wasn't. So you have darker runoff from the 3 from the brick. You should have rinsed it till it was clear, but its not that big a deal. If watering to a little runoff it'll balance out. Might affect the pH or salt content of the runoff. You can just flush it if it causes problems, but I doubt it will.


Thought I commented on those pics on another thread. Your plants look pretty green and healthy other than the curl so I think it's just too wet. Let em dry out some between watering. Let them get light to the lift before watering. The top 1/2 inch or so should be dry, but I like to just feel for it. Compare a saturated one to a drier one for reference. You don't want it to be dehydrated, but don't keep it soaked either.