Run her 12/12 now or wait for longer days and move her outside?

looks like it started. trim off those leaves broo
Like me she hasn't had a haircut since covid really. She did get the topping from hell when I dropped her seedling light on her. Hard to believe she's 6 months old and she's still kicking! The seedling picture was from Oct. 2 2020 The picture where she is mangled is from Nov 7 Goes to show a person shouldn't freak out to much if they snap a branch off accidently..

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She's already almost 4 feet tall.. Maybe I should move her outside and grow a super Amazon monster over the summer..
as long as you have this much time invested i say get a 25 gallon container it can be a plastic tote mix up some decent soil and transplant her move her into the sun for the summer if you flower inside now its going to be a mess let mother nature handle it and with the tote you can move her in from any storms or drought
That light fall damage was actually a pretty clean topping, a little rough for sure, but those lateral branches sure liked it!! The extent of preflower is interesting, not sure if that will be an issue or not going outside.

I kind of agree with moving outside though if she's 4ft tall there. it might make a better turnout if you plant outside to finish, could easilyrun into issues if you only have 1ft of space for the stretch... But if you have enough side room in the tent, but you could alternatively train her and pull those branches down and outward to gain headspace before flipping to 12/12. You'd likely need to really bend the branches hard though from the looks of it...
Like the gnat sticky placement btw. Those little F'ers! My issues with gnat flies has fluctuated since i started growing, but this last run I upgraded my circ fans, added one for under canopy/direct on pots, and have had literally zero flies this run.
Flower her. I vegged a plant for over 6 months last year and she started to flower on her own (as late August set in) but her buds didn’t bulk up before botrytis set in. Started to seem a little weak and “old” during last bit of veg.
Granted, it was my first real year, but I found this site and was warned by a couple people about overvegging.
Give her what she was grown to do...
Flower her. I vegged a plant for over 6 months last year and she started to flower on her own (as late August set in) but her buds didn’t bulk up before botrytis set in. Started to seem a little weak and “old” during last bit of veg.
Granted, it was my first real year, but I found this site and was warned by a couple people about overvegging.
Give her what she was grown to do...
my theory and i am still a newbie 4th grow now is as soon as the leaves get as big as my hand i flip to flower not all the leaves just 1 or 2
my theory and i am still a newbie 4th grow now is as soon as the leaves get as big as my hand i flip to flower not all the leaves just 1 or 2
What strain you running? Saw your other posts- plants looked great!
I’m on my 5th grow, but just started last year at start of PanD. RIU has been great info, if you cross-reference it. Not that I haven’t been mavericking (flashy way of saying possibly reckless experimentation, haha) on some of my plants. But all with love.
Anyhoo- the one I vegged for a long time was a GG4 clone from a friend, and the first I put in ground. Called her spot The Lantern because it was in a 1.5ftx1.5ft. bed outside that I sided with corrugated plastic, and had thick bamboo poles coming from the corners holding a glass pane and plastic roof that held a clamp-on type light on a timer to give her 18hr. “days”. She was probably 3-4 weeks old when I got her around late March. Lasted into fall but would have to look back to see when exactly. Ran successful other grows of same clones simultaneously and made a few and ran them or gave away. Flipped some in closet then transferred outside and tented from 8pm to 8-9amish (was drinking a lot back then- not as early a riser then). Those did great in summer sun and had a way better harvest by flipping them at a healthy, branchy, leafy stage. I miss that clones phenotypes!
rambling, sorry...
Popped a seed I randomly found last year and it grew into a monster, au naturale, with leaves that I measured at 11 inches! Did great outdoors and had zero pests and high botrytis resistance. Tried to clone too late and wasn’t very good at it (rockwool doesn’t work well for me?); she was the one that got away I will never forget. Very fruity, smooth smoke, with happy relaxed high.