Run #2 with the dosido


Well-Known Member
2 gallon pots
40 pots per 4'x8' tray
New millennium sauce nutes
Got a new dehumidifier (anden 95) and a new AC (GE 18,000 BTU 240v window unit) for this run, keeping the old AC in there as a backup.
Feel free to comment or question.


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This will be the first time I've ever given plants 24 hours of darkness before flip. Just the way it worked out bringing plants from outside to inside, I'd rather give then 24 hours of dark than 24 hours of light. Who knows maybe I'll like it. This strain did take a while to start flowering last run, hopefully it triggers those budding instincts sooner.
Cut some MAC1 clones for my next run yesterday. Also cut a bunch of zkittlez. A couple Dosidos, just in case I want to keep that strain, and a couple Grape Apes.
Day(do the math) of flower.
Another day in the depths of the jungles. I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever find my way out. Hank has become irrational, emotional, unpredictable. I fear he may turn against me in my sleep, taking the everlasting flowers for himself.

Trellised, bent stems over to fill in canopy and try to even things up.


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Starting week 3 of flower. Hank attacked last night, he cut my arm pretty bad. Who knows what the smell of blood might attract from the depths of the jungle. I subdued him, and now have his hands restrained. The snakemonkeys are constantly rattling thier tails in the treetops above us, but they are too afraid of the power of the everlasting flowers we carry to attack. Will this journey be worth our lives?


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Week 4 and the quest for the everlasting flowers is taking its toll on us. Last night we were attacked by an eagle-moth while we were sleeping. It must have been drawn in by the scent of Hank's bloody arm bandage. It ripped Hank to shreds. As it was attacking Hank I jumped into the 7 foot tall beast's back and plunged my knife into it's eye. I managed to rip my knife out before it took off into the treetops. Hank now hangs onto his life by a thread. I escaped with minimal damage to my shoulder. For now I can still walk and drag Hank through the forest on a makeshift stretcher. I will struggle to find civilization again before Hank let's go forever.


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I sacrificed one of the everlasting flowers for Hank. I had to do something, I couldn't just watch him die. I turned him over and burnt the flower under his nose so he would inhale that angelic smoke. He is now well on his way to recovery. It's amazing thier powers, all his lacerations healed in minutes. He regained consciousness an hour ago. I fear I may have made a grave mistake, for as soon as he came to, he asked for another one of the flowers. He has already turned on me once, I may have just brought about my own demise.


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Week 8 of being lost in the jungle. Hank's constant pleading for the everlasting flowers breaks me. I give in to curiosity and roll most of our flowers in a big joint to smoke. We puff on it for what seems like days before I feel the effects. It's incredible, the power it gives me I feel invincible. I know I can overpower Hank and why wouldn't I he just wants it all to himself. No I could never he is my true friend and this is just the flowers talking. Why would he attack me if he was my friend, he will probably attack me again. I quickly grab my knife, I lunge for his throat. He sees me in the corner of his eye and tries to dodge. My knife makes contact. It plunged into his heart. I've killed my only friend, my only companion in this vast jungle. I tell in agony as I clasp his dying form. I cannot live with what I've done, I bring the still bloodied knife to my own throat. I cut with intention.


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My breath sputters back into consciousness, I see Hank lying next to me still bloody but breathing, trying to open his eyes. Have we come back from deaths clutches or did we just wave hello as we passed by? I can't tell but it doesn't matter now. Hank and I smile at each other. A mutual understanding of two men who have tried to end the other but both fell short of the task. We still have a small amount of the everlasting flowers and are now in debt of our lives to this plant. We manage to get up and continue our path to find sanctuary. Both unsure of what lies ahead, but we know this journey must come to an end before we do.


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Week 11, I woke up feeling a bit FLUSH this morning. Probably just the humid jungle heat. We struggle to get up and get moving, the jungle seems to be getting thicker as we proceed. We find a small stream and drink as if we have never had water in our lives. After we bath we proceed onwards. I noticed the first sign of civilization since our quest, an old irrigation tube has been placed in the creek. I try to not get my hopes up but we must follow this pipe to see where it leads. About an hour later we see a giant solar powered water pump that looks recently visited! Our hearts leap with excitement but we are still wary. Anyone living in this remote location could be friend or foe.


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We stumble onto the most beautiful sight I've ever seen. A field as far and wide as my eyes will reach filled to the brim with the everlasting flowers. Tears roll down my cheeks as I collapse to my knees. Three beautiful woman wearing only headdresses of everlasting flowers comes to greet Hank and I. The women help us back to their small village to feed and bathe us. They welcome us to stay and work on the farm with them. We have found our new home.


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Final yield is ~a#

But seriously 4 lbs, 6 oz, 13 g

I was surprised that I got more this run, the room was not as full looking as last run. The more plants and more even canopy helped me out. Got about 11 more Oz's than I did last time. Really stoked that I pulled over a lb per light on the 315w CMH. If I did the math correct that is 1.6 grams per watt.