Well since you mentioned UB here is my take on it. Day in and day out everyone has to read UB's never ending insults. Anyone who disagrees with him has been subjected to being called "retarded, blithering fucktard, faggot, homosexual, racist", etc...The list goes on and on. If anyone else does this, they get their posts deleted, warned, and or banned. There is major favoritism here. So some people who are just tired of the same old BS say to hell with the rules because they do not apply to everyone equally. Most of the time I try to stay out of this section because of the blowhard bully. I just recently came back in here to give UB a big taste of his own medicine after he was picking on another user and posting phone numbers to the cops and then having the nerve to say the other user asked him to do it. BULLSHIT !! Tell me how any of you would feel if you were at the bottom of UB's dogpile and they were posting pics of your mothers and sisters that said "jizz on me", plus a lot more. He can dish it out, but has a hard time taking it. Feel free to edit or delete this post, ban me or otherwise. I do not care anymore.
If I have recently offended anyone other than UB, you have my apology.-Gyro
I think I just take the crap from UB and Chesus with a grain of salt. Seldom do I ever truly get mad, irritated, yes but that's about the extent of it. IMO, guys like Chesus and Bucky have no other place to vent their frustrations but anonymously on a forum, I doubt very much either of them have the moxy to act like that in person. As far as favoritism goes, I've only been posting for just under a year but there have been some questionable things going on where one would get that impression, we have to remember, this website and forum is privately owned and they're free to run it anyway they see fit, we're not paying advertisers, just guests.