sounds like rudy had something and tried to use it as leverage but the fbi said nope, we just take it dick headYeah, it's like the starter gun for the race to the prosecutor's door! Pompeo and Barr are in the running along with a few others, the Devil takes the hindmost and they all know it. I think they are really looking for Donald's head on a silver platter, specifically for the insurrection. It was the most serious of their crimes, Rudy doing PSAs confessing the big steal and other things as part of his plea deal, would put the cap on Trump's presidency and in the head of the GOP. It would also allow Donald to be disqualified from holding office with a simple majority vote in both the house and senate. They can hold that vote if Donald wins the 2024 republican nomination from his prison cell.
Trump allies worry Giuliani raid sent 'strong message' to ex-President's inner circle - CNN Politics
Trump allies worry Giuliani raid sent ‘strong message’ to ex-President’s inner circle
(CNN) —
A Wednesday raid by federal agents of an apartment and office belonging to former New York City mayor and one-time Donald Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani has left allies of the former President feeling uneasy about what could come next, according to sources close to Trump.
“This was a show of force that sent a strong message to a lot of people in Trump’s world that other things may be coming down the pipeline,” one Trump adviser told CNN.
The searches, which Giuliani and his attorney Robert Costello have criticized as unnecessary due to what they claim is his ongoing cooperation with investigators, were linked to a criminal probe of the former mayor’s business dealings in Ukraine and resulted in the seizure of several communications devices.
According to the Trump adviser, the raid ignited a sense of fear inside the former President’s orbit that Justice Department officials may be more willing to pursue investigations of the 45th president or his inner circle than many Trump allies had previously believed. Two other people close to the former President, who echoed these sentiments, declined to be quoted for this story.
Rudy is lining up his ducks and his lawyer is telling him that the starter gun for the race to the SDNY prosecutor's door has been fired. Barr and Pompeo don't want to die in prison and would be more credible witnesses, but Rudy knows the most, is the most vulnerable and was involved heavily in the "stop the steal" and the capital insurrection, as well as other conspiracies that involved Donald retaining power. Rudy has enough leverage to walk away, provided he delivers Trump's head on a silver platter for the insurrection and makes PSA's confessing the "big lie". He might do some time in Otisville, Cohen's alma mater and be under constant death threat from the Trump cult though.sounds like rudy had something and tried to use it as leverage but the fbi said nope, we just take it dick head
Rudy is lining up his ducks and his lawyer is telling him that the starter gun for the race to the SDNY prosecutor's door has been fired. Barr and Pompeo don't want to die in prison and would be more credible witnesses, but Rudy knows the most, is the most vulnerable and was involved heavily in the "stop the steal" and the capital insurrection, as well as other conspiracies that involved Donald retaining power. Rudy has enough leverage to walk away, provided he delivers Trump's head on a silver platter for the insurrection and makes PSA's confessing the "big lie". He might do some time in Otisville, Cohen's alma mater and be under constant death threat from the Trump cult though.
I look forward to a thousand Trumpers trying to storm the courthouse in NYC during Trump's trial, it would make for some great TV. They would need to worry about the citizens more than the cops and they won't allow themselves to have the shit beat out of themselves either. Whipping them up might be a good project for the Russians, or patriotic Americans...
NBC News said in its correction that its story "was based on a source familiar with the matter, but a second source now says the briefing was only prepared for Giuliani and not delivered to him, in part over concerns it might complicate the criminal investigation of Giuliani."
One likely will argue that it is anyone but the people who were helping manufacture and spread the Russian militaries propaganda to help Trump. I am guessing there are all kinds of people that Trump and his criminal syndicate are looking to toss under the bus.Well, here's an interesting twist:
Over the last few days since the raid of Rudy Giuliani's residence and business office, the major newspapers had reported that Rudy Giuliani (along with OAN news) had been warned by the FBI that the people they were dealing with were in fact Russian operatives.
Well, they've had to retract that statement as it turns out to be false. Found in the small type only articles is this:
Washington Post, New York Times, and NBC News retract reports on Giuliani
The Washington Post, The New York Times, and NBC News on Saturday issued significant corrections, retracting earlier reporting that said Rudy Giuliani had been directly warned by the FBI that he was the target of a Russian disinformation
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One could argue that it's the FBI's fault. After all, they knew all along that Rudy was talking to a Russian operative and that the operative could be giving Rudy false information, but they did nothing to act on it.
It's going to be interesting to see if that comes back to bite the FBI right in the ass.