Ruderalis differences?


Well-Known Member
Here's a story that happened a few months ago... I was walking around, when practically on the side of the road I found a cannabis plant. There were a lot of people walking by every day, so I thought "If somebody was seriously growing this, he deserves to be ripped". I waited till people weren't near and I put the whole plant in my bag. :D
It grew right next to root's of Pine trees, so it was small and the soil was probably acidic, tho I'm not an expert. It had mostly 5 fingered leaves, some were 3, I think I saw some 7's too. I smoked it and well, I felt something more than a placebo. But because of the poor conditions it was a very small high.
THE BIG QUESTION: Is it ruderalis?
I heard that rudies only have 3 finger leaves... I have some seeds and they are smaller than usual, I will plant some later and see what happens in good conditions. What makes me believe it isn't ruderalis, is the fact, that it was not very mature for the time of the year, and it didn't look like hemp ( leaves were fatter and there were no 9 finger's and maybe only a few 7's) also it was the only plant in the area. WHAT'CHA THINK GUYS? Happy new year!


Well-Known Member
Of course, this is exactly what i thought will happen. You RIU gods and the awful "rippers".
FFS thee's a big chance it's roderalis of some sort, so how could I be ripping someone. I did what i wanted others to do to me. If I planted a plant next to crossroads in a place where a bunch of people walk along everyday, I'd be glad someone ripped it.
Let's focus on something serious people cna talk about - any thoughts about ruderalis?

and kinetic, with your huge experience on trolling, I didn't expect anything else from you :D


Active Member
Sounds to me like you got an indica that wasn't mature yet. Probably got all the carbon monoxide and other stuff from inhaling burning material but it didn't have high thc content so the high didn't come. Just my opinion since it was poor condition and you said yourself didn't look completely ripe.


Well-Known Member
Seeds were mature tho. Dark with stripes, you know the usual, but smaller than what i have usual. I'm assuming that stunted growth can also make the seeds grow smaller?