Rubbermaid leaks more than my shower head (HELP!)


Okay guys I am putting together a DWC system in a 37 gallon rubbermaid tub. Long story short, when I turn on my system i have bad leakage out the sides. What have you guys done to fix this or what would you suggest that I do to fix this?

I am stunned and I am not happy, if you can help fix this i might praise you and rep you every time I can!kiss-ass

Thanks in advance!

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Heat it up and form the melted plastic around it

No prior experience with a dwc system, but its worked for other things..

Hippy Girl

Okay guys I am putting together a DWC system in a 37 gallon rubbermaid tub. Long story short, when I turn on my system i have bad leakage out the sides. What have you guys done to fix this or what would you suggest that I do to fix this?

I am stunned and I am not happy, if you can help fix this i might praise you and rep you every time I can!kiss-ass

Thanks in advance!
Get another 37 gallon tub? Aren't they like $4.00?
I would of kicked it across the back yard by now and started over... :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Yea, I wont I need to steal a blow drier from someone first. It just pisses me off, everybody says rubbermaids dont leak! my floor begs to differ right now ahhaha
you need "STERILITE" brand totes or These are leakproof and will work for you. Rubbermaids suck!
i wouldn't heat the plastic itself in this situation as it might mess up the hole. i would use a sealant of some sort, maybe hot glue around the holes. definitely look into using rubber grommets. i use rubber grommets for just about everything. creates a nice tight seal and you can pop em out if you don't want to use them anymore.


Active Member
Okay guys I am putting together a DWC system in a 37 gallon rubbermaid tub. Long story short, when I turn on my system i have bad leakage out the sides. What have you guys done to fix this or what would you suggest that I do to fix this?

I am stunned and I am not happy, if you can help fix this i might praise you and rep you every time I can!

Thanks in advance!
I'm sure you could find one the size you need but I use a 100 qt Coleman cooler, Very strong, insulates nutrients, no cracking do to water weight. Kicks butt! No more Rubbermaid floods!:weed: