RUBBERMAID 45 gal Blackberry


Active Member
and for the air flow i am going to put a stand up fan in my closet with the lid half off just for now then ill be adding another fan in soon


Well-Known Member
and for the air flow i am going to put a stand up fan in my closet with the lid half off just for now then ill be adding another fan in soon[/

in a 45 gallon rubber maid, do you have the room for a 6 or 9 inch clip fan? hose are the tits if u have room.

if not u need more exhaust from the lights and flow from below .

what's 78 watts? like 5 23 watt cfl's? that should be fine if it's light burned move it away for now but you need the flow EOS IMO.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I can put a clip fan in there but I will be adding a fan or 2 soon and I have 4 26 watta

if it is getting burned significantly. i would seperate the plant and the lights until the first set of new leaves come in post sprouting, then move em closer gradually until u get comf with them being at 2.5 inches.

but the close proximity is a must in the rubbermaid grows as im sure you know.


Active Member
yeah i had them close thats why but it started getting leaf burn so i have the big plant on the bottom of the rubbermaid with 78 watts only 3 cfls i got the 2 youngest 2.5-3.0 inches away


Active Member
I got mine on ebay for less than $20 shipped but to be honest, I'm not impressed with it so far. It's a Milwaukee pH600. I've used it twice and it already needed calibrating which makes me worry about the accuracy. I have some paper ph test strips coming on Friday. They're just like the ones we used in biology class in high school and they were really cheap! vial of 100 for less than $2 (plus shipping). I'll let you know how they work out.

I wouldn't suggest waiting long enough for mail order though. Ph is one of those things that's easily overlooked but can kill your girls faster than you'd think. I recently lost a clone due to high ph. Didn't realize our water here has a ph of 8. We thought all the yellowing was a nitrogen def but in the end it was nute lock due to the ph being too high. At ph 7 the plant stops being able to absorb the nutes even though they are in the soil. If you go to a home improvement store or nursery you should be able to pick up soil test kit for about $10 or so that tests for n-p-k and ph. That's where I would start. You want your ph to be somewhere around 5.5- 6.5 anything above that and you're risking nute lock.


Active Member
Thanks man I appreciate it ill probably grab the Ph test strips at the pool store right down the street for now just to check the water...what do you think causes all the yellow on my plants?


Active Member
well if your ph is too high it could be nute lock from the plants not being able to absorb the nitrogen in the dirt. I would test that first. Often people confuse nute lock for nute deficiency (it looks the same) and end up adding more nutes which then stresses the plant out further and gives you nute burn. Safest bet would be to test your ph and go from there. I do have a few questions might give some insight into what's going on with your girls.... What kind of soil are you using? Also what kind of nutes and how often? I subscribed, so I'll check back :) I'll be posting my own journal soon as I sort through my pictures


Active Member
Well the 2 lil ones are in fox Farm soil and the biggest was also in foxfarm until I transplanted into miracle grow =/ I will be getting fox farm asap and for nutes I am not using anything yet just water and the temps been at 75


Active Member
heres some updates on the blackberrys guys...sorry its been a while i have been a lil busy lately...but how they lookin fellez?:leaf:

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
the oldest one looks like its not doin so is it lookin now?? the 2 new ones are lookin nice and healthy though.i like to start tying them down once they are around 4 -5 inches tall..give it another week then tie them ho's down!.. looks like they are a little far from the lights though.. you should have them 2-3 inches away from the tops of the plants ( helps keep em short and bushy ).. heres a couple pictures of my babies they are in week 2 of flowering now (pics are old)

