RUBBERMAID 45 gal Blackberry


Active Member
They are very easy to work with...the only trouble now is I have 3 cfls in there I just took one out becuz it was getting hot (85°)

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
Lookin good temps get a little hot too sometimes.. I'm gonna throw one of those reusable ice packs in front of my intake and see if that helps at all...glad to see you've been lurkin around these learn as you go and the info jjust sticks with you.. A lot of trial and error . Lookin good bro keep it up man


Active Member
Yo lee I been changing the temps around and I been having steady at 75° with lights on but thismorning my youngest plant was droopy...I think it might be stressed out because It was use to 85° ....I been having the top half off...the other plant still has seed attached to it and ill be posting pics of them tonight


Well-Known Member
wow.. yeah.

first things first "homie". You have to be patient.. patients is key. Growing.. is more than just throwing a seed into the ground and letting the plant grow. Its a true form of art IMO. You have to treat your plants with as much love as you would give to your own child.

I'll help ya out some.. The reason for your plant being droopy looking.. could be a multitude of things. My guess would be that she's getting too hot.. or you have her set to closely to the lights (bulbs) that your using. Either that, or your over-watering her.. A little tip for knowing when to water your plant(s) is to wait until the top layer (top 1/4th inch or so) is crispy and dried out.. thats when you should water again.

Good luck man.. and remember, be patient.. and just chill. Also, read up on growing cannabis!! I can't express how important it really is to read all you can.. every piece of information you can get your hands on.. read it.



Well-Known Member
oh and also, I forgot to mention...

the one with the seed shell still on...??? Yeah, just be patient with that one as well. Eventually the plant will shed/push it the rest of the way off of itself.. this happens from time to time. I've had it happen a few times myself. No worries though... its nothing to worry about.



Well-Known Member
In for the ride i want one of these setups eventually!

Lookin good now just treat them right and they will reward you nicely :D


Active Member
should i put the young 2 young ones 2.5 inches away and for the the biggest one i lowered it off the shoe box i had it on becuz it was getting leaf currently have 78 watts