wow!!!! looking great!!! your are gonna have i'd say atleast 7 to 8oz off those. i'd say 3 more weeks after seein those trich pics. give them one more week of nutes then start your 2 week flush then its harvest time!! how tall are those plants, and where did you get your seeds? seedboutique right? if i remember correctly you told me that a while back.
Haha good looking out dude, youve been around since my first adventure, and yes the seeds came from the seed boutique. And I havent measured in awhile, but the last time I measured (hasnt seem to get much height since then) they were 52" range.
where is all your heat going from your 400 watt hps? do you have it ventilate?? if so wehre ??
Pretty much am just using a window ac + a fan to keep the room well cooled, and ventilated. I really wish I had a duct with a vent. fan, but havent really had the time to construct somethin yet
Man you got some AWESOME pictures there.
What did you use to take them?
I agree with Kingding about the timing. They are not ready yet but
it does look like 1 or 2 might be cloudy so it won't be long.
I'm about a week or so ahead of you by the look of it I have a few amber trics on mine.
I just borrowed a small magnifier from work, and just tossed my camera up to it and kinda tried to make it work, seemed to get some decent trich shots. On one plant Ive spotted a couple amber trichs, so Im going to let this nute res run out (maybe 3 more feedings) then flush. You have a harvest date set?