RTP Gold manual 15"x15" press by Rosin tech products

J Bleezy

Well-Known Member
Does anyone know how many amps this unit pulls at the wall? I read something about people having problems with the d nail 15x15 pulling to many amps for their house.
I'm almost leaning towards going elsewhere because I've been emailing them and messaging the via social media and the only response I've gotten was "if you told us which unit you are looking at, I could tell you how many amps it pulls". When I clearly wrote the name of the unit in the subject line. I've asked 4 times since and no answer.
Someone help me out here.
Thanks in advance
I should've updated this post when I finally got the info that I was looking for, I kind of forgot about the post lol. The 15x15 gold manual from rtp pulls 23 amps from the wall. I ordered the 5x5 gold manual press and I believe they said it pulls 10 amps. Shipping is taking absolutely forever, it's supposed to be here tue. What went wrong with your press? If I may ask...