Routine check with the PROs from rollitup! :)


Active Member
Hello there everyone! I want to ask the community of rollitup how my plants are doing generally, and I actually notices that some edges, just the most end edges are turning dry and upwards or downwards the leaf itself. It's really tiny deformation but everything worries me!

Here's some pics:

Here's the lamps setup. The lamps currently are like 13 - 14 cm away from the top leaves of the plant and the lamps are CFL. Could it be lamps being way too close to the plant?


Staff member
we have a picture system in place try using it. people will be more inclined to look at your thread rather than to have to click photos. just a helpful tip


Looking good. It's not uncommon for the first few sets of leaves to get damaged from having water on them, slight nute burn, or even just naturally. I'm relatively new, but of the 20+ seeds I've popped, its not uncommon to see it happen. My best guess would be pH - are you controlling it well? Either way, nothing to stress out about in the long run. Keep an eye on it.


Active Member
I see, they did had a bit of water drops on them indeed. Also I don't control the pH yet. :/ But it should be fine, I know that from where the soil is taken it's pure and it's pH is medium varying from 5 to 7. I guess that's what our ladies like.

I think that maybe it's heat/light stress. But I already ruined one little lady with having the lights way too far from her. Damn newbie I am. :D


Well-Known Member
add perlite to your soil mix (it looks rocky and woody), otherwise they look pretty good


Active Member
I think I identified my issue! It could be heat stress! It's nearly 29 Celsius near the plants tops ... Too much light on the poor lady.