Roundup's in the news again

scumrot derelict

Well-Known Member
If I remember, a big part of the Roundup story has to do with the co-ingredient and surfactant "polyethoxylated tallow amine". (Typical R group in image is n-C18H37) It has been implicated in many marine animal toxicities.

@dstroy what we have here seems to be a case of single-datum statistics, and from such it is impossible to tell whether the exposure was causative.
You are smarter than us, and demand respect. We get it!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
California, go figure.

I just bought a table with a warning label just for Cali saying wood fiber is thought to cause cancer. Everything is cancerous in that state.

In other news eggs are now bad for you again and an aspirin a day doesn't actually help your heart.
They didn’t even say what did it, just that it contributed.

I want to see the alleged evidence. But we have to wait.


Well-Known Member
California, go figure.

I just bought a table with a warning label just for Cali saying wood fiber is thought to cause cancer. Everything is cancerous in that state.

In other news eggs are now bad for you again and an aspirin a day doesn't actually help your heart.
Eggs have been flip flopping for years. I like the double yoke brown ones myself.

Aspirin thins your blood. Maybe they want it thicker in case you start leaking now?

You're never going to win, hope for the best.


Ursus marijanus
Bach in Urban forestry with a shit ton of horti hours with a apprenticeship at university of Vermont agriculture programs for a few years...........
Piss me off I still see Folks using glyphosate or ANYTHING from these big companies. I wonder what it would take to get places like lowes,Home Depot etc ex ex to just stop selling the chit. It wouldn't hurt their sales overall I'm sure.

Lmao it's my contention all kids should learn knots before graduating to 7th grade in America. I can't tell you how many times a clove hitch has come in handy.
Why should I not use big-company products that work?


Well-Known Member
I want to know how they proved that roundup contributed to his non hodgkins lymphoma. What specific mechanism it was.


Well-Known Member
you just a weird question didn't most of this crap litterally come from the use of Agent Orange in Vietnam, later it transformed into DDT in the late seventies???

just a thought


Well-Known Member

"It awarded $5 million in compensatory damages and $75 million in punitive damages to Hardeman after finding that Roundup was defectively designed, that Monsanto failed to warn of the herbicide's cancer risk and that the company acted negligently.

In the trial's second phase, Hardeman's lawyers were able to present previously excluded internal documents allegedly showing the company's efforts to influence scientists and regulators about the widely-used product's safety."

Can't wait to see that evidence.