Round 2 (round 1 failed)


Active Member
Well... I started 1 month ago with bagseed and I screwed it up... I used the worst soil I could find and over watered them (once a day) the leaves all turned yellow... and things looks small for being 22days old.

so I started 4 more... started the seeds in foxfarm ocean forest, used bigger cups (16 vs 9oz) and havnt watered them in 2 days so far

I hope I am doing things right this time around.

Also... im really paranoid on my watering now... now im afraid to water the seedlings... they sprouted 2 days ago.

I was wondering if using the condensation on the cup is a good judgment on watering them. (I use 1 transparent cup and place them inside opaque cups. as of now the transparent cup still has some condensation on the bottom... so I shouldnt water them yet right?... the top of the soil is dry though.

and when it is time to water... how many ml per cup?... or should I get a spray bottle and give it a squirt or 2?...

my temps are at a steady 78-79 humidity at 39% 6 CFL 26w daylights 4 plants. 2-3 inches away.

the pics will show them sprouting 2 days ago... then how they look 3 days old. and the condensation of the cup.

I also wanted to say how amazed i am at how resilient the old batch of sprouts were.. I abused to all hell... uprooted the seedlings... violently knocked out the old bad soil... and placed them in foxfarm soil. 2 -3 days later , they formed NEW GREEN leaves and are growing good by the windowsill I have no hopes for these plants... im just going to let it do its thing naturally with the window sill , then place them outside.



Well-Known Member
Those little ones on the windowsill look tore up, but they are still alive - if you give them TLC from here out they will probably make it. The second batch looks great - looks like you're doing well.:peace:


Well-Known Member
wth ??
why do u keep moving em ....
or are those the same plants...????
lettem grow mane..... stop stressin em...


Active Member
wth ??
why do u keep moving em ....
or are those the same plants...????
lettem grow mane..... stop stressin em...


the window sill plants are from my "round 1" the ones which looked like absolute shit after 3 weeks... RIU said it was because of my crappy soil and over watering... that i should start new ones.

so I did...the ones under the CFL are the new sprouts..

and the old batch... I dumped the oil soil (violently) and replaced it with foxfarm and left them by the windowsil.... I didnt know if they would make it or not... but surprisingly, they did.

its on the window sill because I dont have room or enough lights to have both batches in the closet...


Active Member
Those little ones on the windowsill look tore up, but they are still alive - if you give them TLC from here out they will probably make it. The second batch looks great - looks like you're doing well.:peace:

you think leaving it on the window sill would be sufficient?... or should I go out and spend more money on extra bulbs and fixtures and leave them in the closet as well?...

I was under the assumption that they were a lost cause.


Well-Known Member
you think leaving it on the window sill would be sufficient?... or should I go out and spend more money on extra bulbs and fixtures and leave them in the closet as well?...

I was under the assumption that they were a lost cause.
I don't think they are a lost cause - looks like new growth coming in to me. You could leave them in the window for a bit longer to be sure, and then if they are still thriving, get more bulbs and put them with their cousins. They will probably be close to the same size anyway, since they had a rough start.:peace:


Active Member
Here is an update at day 8.... they are looking much better than my last batch...

I have been watering them at 4 day intervals (only watered once since making this thread)
the water seems to be perfect at 4 days for 2 plants... and 1 plant seems to not be growing as big as the others and not drinking at the same rate the soil is still moist after 4 days. and another plant seems to drink faster than 4days... because it's leaves are curling down while the others are straight.

I have a close up of my best plant, and the roots of one of the cups.
my cheapo fan finally died this morning after being on 24/7 for 4 weeks straight without rest.... I replaced it with a really big spare fan that I had in the garage... I dont think its doing that great of a job because the RPM is less and if i Increase the speed, it starts to sway the lights back n forth.

with the new fan the temps are at 83* steady ... the old fan kept it at 79* should I be worried?.. or is 83 still fine?.... my humidity is now 38%

I am not using any nutes yet... should I be?
and haven't transplanted them either... should I?.. if so ,how big of a pot?



Active Member
83 degrees is fine. My plants when first sprouting were in 87-93 (usually 93) degree temps consistently. at 83 you have nothing to worry about. Many say optimal is 75 degrees, but as long as you are under 85 it would seem you are in that optimal range. On the nutes, don't start using any. I'm growing white widow which is much more picky on nutes, but in general you probably shouldn't need any until 3-4 weeks. Its such a hard thing to know at first when to use and I think it is a better idea to have your plants show a little nute deficiency before using. If you use to early it could show the signs of nute burn which can often look the same as nute deficiency and at that point you have no idea if you need more or not. This way once you see symptoms without having used any nutes you know for a fact its time to use some. I can't really help on transplanting them. I planted my seeds in the grow bag I was planning on using for the entire grow.

Overall your plants look great! just keep doing what you are doing. Hardest part is waiting for it to do its thing, especially for your first time around on harvesting plants. I'm in the same boat, just started flowering. At first it seemed that it took forever to get to the stage to flower, now it seems to take forever to get to harvest. Either way, each day that goes by you look at them less and less. I stopped bugging them for the most part and take a quick glance in usually twice a day, once in the morning and once at night for a few seconds. Other then that I don't really think to much about them anymore.


Active Member

alright 2 gallon-ers it is... I dont want to put all the plants in one container and risk tangled roots....

I know i need more lights... those 6 lights were only for a short time for the seedlings..

im just trying to figure out what the hell to do... Should I go with the CFL route and get those big ones like you posted... or get a 600w

and I need to build something in my closet right?... I cant just hang an HPS like that in the open without an enclosure right?

plus I would have to build some sort of "holder" for those big CFL...

Im really not a handy person... wish I had a an experienced friend to make something for me...


Active Member
83 degrees is fine. My plants when first sprouting were in 87-93 (usually 93) degree temps consistently. at 83 you have nothing to worry about. Many say optimal is 75 degrees, but as long as you are under 85 it would seem you are in that optimal range. On the nutes, don't start using any. I'm growing white widow which is much more picky on nutes, but in general you probably shouldn't need any until 3-4 weeks. Its such a hard thing to know at first when to use and I think it is a better idea to have your plants show a little nute deficiency before using. If you use to early it could show the signs of nute burn which can often look the same as nute deficiency and at that point you have no idea if you need more or not. This way once you see symptoms without having used any nutes you know for a fact its time to use some. I can't really help on transplanting them. I planted my seeds in the grow bag I was planning on using for the entire grow.

Overall your plants look great! just keep doing what you are doing. Hardest part is waiting for it to do its thing, especially for your first time around on harvesting plants. I'm in the same boat, just started flowering. At first it seemed that it took forever to get to the stage to flower, now it seems to take forever to get to harvest. Either way, each day that goes by you look at them less and less. I stopped bugging them for the most part and take a quick glance in usually twice a day, once in the morning and once at night for a few seconds. Other then that I don't really think to much about them anymore.

Haha.. I definitely know what you mean about bugging the plants as a beginner ... every night I go to sleep... i just CANT WAIT to wake up and check out their progress.

as sad as this sounds... one time I was looking at the plants in my closet and was talking to a girl on the phone, I ended up laying down on the floor talking... and once she hung up.. I fell asleep for a few hours. I slept with my babies... first time sleeping in my closet. :eyesmoke:


Ill definitely take what you said about nutes into consideration.

my main worry actually is what am I going to do about my lighting situation and turning the closet into a proper grow area... and now some make shift non enclosed thing that I have right now.

I have no idea where to start on that... should I turn the whole closet into a grow op (its going to suck as i wont have a place to put my clothes. or make a tent... or a grow box... etc

I was even considering buy a homebox.


Well-Known Member
Go with a 600 watt HPS, you can get 1/2 a pound of weed off of 6 plants with it. You won't need to fertilize for 3 more weeks at least, FF soil has plenty of nutrients to do the whole grow with, but supplemental is ok as long as it is used sparingly at first. Fertilize no more than every other watering, Fert no more than 1/4 what the directions call for, wait 2 weeks before changing the amount of fert to a higher level. 2 gallon pots are sufficient for 4 foot tall flowered plants, flower them when they are between 18-30 ". After you transplant ( A couple more weeks) to the larger pots when you water you should completely drench it until the water starts to flow out of the bottom, then wait until the whole pot is nearly bone dry to the last couple inches of soil before repeating the watering. That will cause the roots to dig deep in search of water, that will help it grow stronger. You will know it is in need of water by how little the pot weighs. Depending on your strain any of these factors could be different, as every strain is a bit different and it takes experience to know the correct actions to take. You will learn a lot.

Your 1st round plants look like they will be fine, they would like better light than a window sill provides. That 600 W HPS will Veg AND flower the plants.


Active Member
Go with a 600 watt HPS, you can get 1/2 a pound of weed off of 6 plants with it. You won't need to fertilize for 3 more weeks at least, FF soil has plenty of nutrients to do the whole grow with, but supplemental is ok as long as it is used sparingly at first. Fertilize no more than every other watering, Fert no more than 1/4 what the directions call for, wait 2 weeks before changing the amount of fert to a higher level. 2 gallon pots are sufficient for 4 foot tall flowered plants, flower them when they are between 18-30 ". After you transplant ( A couple more weeks) to the larger pots when you water you should completely drench it until the water starts to flow out of the bottom, then wait until the whole pot is nearly bone dry to the last couple inches of soil before repeating the watering. That will cause the roots to dig deep in search of water, that will help it grow stronger. You will know it is in need of water by how little the pot weighs. Depending on your strain any of these factors could be different, as every strain is a bit different and it takes experience to know the correct actions to take. You will learn a lot.

Your 1st round plants look like they will be fine, they would like better light than a window sill provides. That 600 W HPS will Veg AND flower the plants.
hey man thanks for all the awesome advice! Ill definitely follow this

Im also sending you a PM with one more inquiry that probably needs an in-depth answer

thanks again.