• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Round 2 - Its about time. A [Soil - CFL - Closet] Grow


New Member

all the good pot

mexican gold and columbian from the old days

hawian skunk, afganise..all the good stuff, grows in climates that get above 100 degrees everyday and drop 30 degrees at night.

heat is good, but not too much.

cold is bad. it will signal winter and death.

just add a little baking soda, even if ph isnt off it wont hurt, but if it is it will set it neutral immediatly.

I had a plant go 4.0 because of the soil from lowes, it had sand from florida, if you were from there you'de know all the phospate in the world comes from there, it's fert and tends to add salt to soil.

i did 1 table spoon and measured it and the meter dropped immediatly, oops, i mean climed to 6.8 completly neutral.

it happens that fast like it does to acid in your stomach.


New Member
do not stick fresh organics in your soil

almost everyone knows it goes amonia and turns acidic when it decomposes . it will burn your roots. thats why compost has to cure before you use it.

get some vacume cleaner or pool cleaner hose.
put one end up high and tape the other to the bottom of the door facing out.

another hose tape it to the door and the fan sucking in, it will presurize the room forcing the hot air in the hose up high and out your door bottom.

my stealth o vent would work great.

get 2 vaccume heads, the long ones that spread out the surface area width wise.

mount them on the bottom of the door.

get 1 small fan and a hose, mount it at the top of the door sucking air in, down the hose and out the bottom of the door.

the second, get another fan, mount it half way. sucking air from the hose and blowing into the room.

one will draw in air and the other will vent the hot air out,

thats my stealth o vent in a nut shell but i custom designed the housings, fans and mounts. and added a thermostat..


New Member
>miracle grow starts of at 5.0, because it has all those chunks of wood or w/e in it,<

there is your problem.

i had the same thing.

get rid of the miracle grow soil, i told you that on day 1.
it's junk, do a search on this forum for miracle grow soil and you'll find all bad posts.

also it has fert in it.

your plants are too small and too young to fert.

they're being salted to death and cant absorb the nuets.

neut. the ph is temporary because the MG soil will fk it up again in a week.

get rid of the MG soil. you cant fix it. junk it.

use it to top off adult plants only.

goe to lowes and for 3 bucks get the yellow bag of sta green, it's 100% organic and no nuets.

told you that on my first post.


New Member
heres a couple posts on mg soil

But ignorantly we planted these in miracle grow premix soil. I just saw you wince. A terrible soil, and

you must use Miracle grow, I would suggest an organic mix, the time released nutrient balls in the chemical stuff is crap. Ill suggest organic

and mix it with like 30% perlite. Miracle grow is bad bc it already has nutes in it and leads to over nutrient problems a lot.

I did look through the search feature and I think its nute def? IM 1 week into flower useing miracle grow soil

Check the bag that the MG soil came in

Next, you are most likely useing a soil which has time realease nutrients in it.

Could be burnt from the light or maybe the soil, miracle grow?

A lot of people say that Scott's soil is better than Miracle Grow

are you sure it was from heat? cfl's can usually be put 1-2 inches away without a problem. It could be nute burn.. are you using miracle grow soil?

started with miracle grow and never added anything (except epsom salt) for fear of what may already be in the soil.

I have, however, they have been in some miracle gro soil for awhile with...

April, just died a very unglamorous death. She was just a bit over 9" tall. Was germinated on Oct 14, into the ground on the 19th. She was an experiment with Miracle Grow.



New Member
thats ok, i have my own problems dealing with the cold. I had every problem he has now. because I kept screwing with it.

and that damn MG soil.

what you need is just plain old soil, water and let it grow. it's hard not to screw with it but i'm forcing myself.


Well-Known Member
haha yea i kno i just used reg top soil and dry pete and wet pete and bone meal and blood meal ..its awesome and some special stuff ... :)


New Member
I went out and bought several bags of stuff and realized afterwards it had fert in it.

pissed me off, so i back tracked and found organic but the damage was done, got new seeds on the way60 white widow , then i'll start over.

never had this prob. before. I'm in a new state and the cold is throwing me off now.i was in florida for the last 5 yrs and it grew like crazy down there.

where at in ohio ?

i grew up in Aurora (geauga lake )


Well-Known Member
lol I havent really messed with anything... the humidifier was a must for the 3-4 days I had it on, but once I turned it off, I left it on, it was on for 3-4 days straight and thats it, 20% humidity is too dry to grow in, the air takes all the water out of the plants and soil, meaning heavy watering every day is required because after 18 hours the soils bone dry, 30% seems doable though, 20% was off the charts dry... but even having rapid changing humidity is not a problem, that happens a lot outside naturally.

I haven't messed with the soil at all yet, its still miracle grow out of the bag, I haven't nuted a thing, or used any type of plant food, and I do not plan to, so the only chance of other nuteing is if the soils time release things do it themselfs... from other peoples grows that used miracle grow, I have seen they added nutes and had a lot of problems... if I leave it alone it shouldn't kill my plants.

But the burns on the leaves are not CFL, 0% chance, I have them farther away than they normally should be because of the heat problems, the leaves curling like they used to do, and the bad drooping... it happend every time temps reached 90, and was like that the whole time temps were in the 100's before I had the hygometer. The dead leaves on some of the plants is the remains of what happend then (mostly Alpha got hit the hardest)...

the other plants beta and chi have those weird marks on the leaves, magnesium deficiency is what it seems to match up with in the growFaq... almost exactly... I will not worry about it yet though, its not even 3 weeks into the grow... if I see a serious problem I will try to fix it later... or if someone else sees the same things I do in the leaves...

The pH though is too low definitely, it is probably around 5.0 but I have no way to test, but I water and have been watering with water thats sat out... no clue what the pH of that is either... how much baking soda should I use in a 1 liter bottle of water? a pinch?

I still do have a lot of miracle grow left... and will probably use it throughout one of the plants lives, but I will definitely look for something else at Lowes, and transplant the better looking plants and sprouts into that when the time comes... but if I use a different soil do I HAVE to nute it or add anything to it or anything? I am the kinda person that just wants to water it and watch it grow... if I tried adding nutes or anything I would screw up definitely... I dont want to bother with it before I have had a successful grow.

-You know that big text you posted is weird, my first grow was in miracle grow, I flowered it around day 30, it was doing excellent, twice as well as this grow is doing, all healthy, I had quite a few plants, but I flowered it and it died a little over 2 months later (i did purposely kill them), but they never flowered, the lights were strictly on 12/12 light sealed up for over a month and nothing, the plants just slowly turned yellow, leaves dieing... etc, and it was over... I suspect heat stress played a huge role in that, because I was growing during the summer with twice the CFLs I am using now... I cant imagine the temps in there, but the miracle grow probably didn't help. I was also watering almost every day or every other day... many mistakes but in the end plants all died, 0 triggered into flowering.... actually it also may have been because lights went off at midnight, and all the plants were on the floor, fan blowing on them all night, probably a huge temp drop... and being on the floor not good...

I haven't checked on the plants yet today so I dont know what condition theyre in...

but theres a few more problems, the timer is screwed up, it cost me about $15, but it goes off like 3 minutes every 24 hours, so if I used it to flower, by the end of flowering lights would be going off 2 hours earlier than when I started, still for 12 hours, but the 12 hour period shifts backwards a few minutes every day... fucking piece of shit... probably because it is not digital, and everytime it hits a light on light off switch, it slows down the timers turning mechanism slightly... I used this timer to try to flower my last grow and same thing happend, timer slowly went off the correct time every day... but not as much as it is right now...

but the lights are still on 45 min on, 15 off, and have been since I set it yesterday, temp drops about 6 degrees when the lights are about to come back on... and when lights are about to go off, temp is inching towards 90.

Day 18 - 01/06/08 - Beta and Chi watered well, Alpha still had kinda moist soil.

Sprouts are on day 6, still not one of them has been watered... they still look healthy though... and I still feel moisture in the cups.


Well-Known Member
k man .. ur PH for ur water its simple ... lots of people do it tthis way along with me...

1. get 2 jugs or containers to put the water in ...
2.fill em' up.
3.let them sit in ur room ... the chlorine will evaporate leaving u will good water to water them with.


Well-Known Member
Does it have to be jugs? I usually leave a 1 liter I think bottle with water filled on a shelf in the grow room, I keep the lid on it though, but it has a few holes in it, I use that bottle for watering... its an old plastic pepsi bottle, the kind you get for a $1 in the pop machine... you know... I only use like 1/4 max each time I water... so that bottle is more than enough, I still only have to refill it like once a week.


Well-Known Member
Haha alright I will see...

I see on the labeling of the 2 40watt CFLs I bought, its soft white light... is that what I need?

Temps are staying around 85... not good... should I add in my timer and put the lights on 18/6, or 16/8 or something? it would definitely help cool the closet.

They are looking better than earlier... and yesterday... the sprouts are stretching for light though, because I have no way of positioning a light over them currently... I would have to rearrange the setup quite a bit.

I still REALLY need to transplant the 2 plants... the pot that Alpha is in... is that big enough for me not to need to transplant it again? I have 1 other same size that I may transplant Chi into tomm... I have nothing slightly bigger... only a bucket massively bigger, and I would have to raise the hood about a foot, and all the other plants in cups a foot... and buy many more bags of soil hahaha so I dont think thatll work right now...

anddd.... Alpha hasn't grown a bit still... I think its dead? hahaha.... seriously if I just got rid of Alpha, Beta and Chi would both have bigger pots, and the sprouts would have adequate lighting...

anddd the pictures taken 30 minutes early today.
Day 16 - 01/04/08 [Plants Alpha - Chi]
Day 4 - 01/04/08 [The 3 cups with sprouts]

pic one is a close up of Chi, second is overview of all except alpha [in the bucket], third has alpha in the pic, and the last is chi... its extremely small for day 16... and its the biggest out of the 3 day 16 plants! :cry::cry::cry:

nice i tinhk its like the 4 or 5th node is when they enter veg stage and leave seedling stage.... bout 5 or 6 more days man .. niiice


Well-Known Member
Thanks, maybe that has been a mistake I have been making, leaving the lid on the bottle, since the opening at the top is already very narrow, and theres only about 6 needle sized holes in the lid, not much opening for anything to evaporate out... I think I will keep a pitcher filled with water from now on.


Well-Known Member
thats what i do man .. i use 6 jugs ... (i have an entire bedroom i use speretared into quadrines hehe) and just let em go .. the only water i check on is my resovoir for my ebb and flo system .. other than that i just juse that ... some pics plz??! :-D


Well-Known Member
haha pictures in about 2 hours and 30 minutes or so... I try to take pictures about the same times every night haha.

I am planning on getting new soil ASAP at Lowes, and I will probably get 3 sour apple bag seeds started germinating later tonight, and plant them in the new soil, whatever it is.

Haha each set of 3 new sprouts has slightly less stressed conditions and less mistakes than the last, the first set of 3 was horrible, 2nd set of 3 is only 6 days old but looks decent, not burned or anything, the 3rd could be even better if I reposition some lights and get another fan, I still need to find some place that sells a cheap good fan...


Well-Known Member
when i first starrted growing man i cudnt even get my seeds to germinate .. i blew donkey dick man .. now .. its 2nd nature ... like a riding a bike .. once u learn it . u nevre forget it .. and who bro ... im interested in this forum of urs .. by the way did u happent o go to wally world and get that bucket like i told u to do hehe


Well-Known Member
haha wait is wally world walmart? I will try to go there soon... but its for clones right? I still don't have any of that powder stuff yet, and my plants still aren't big enough to clone... but I plan on it. lol and whats it look like?

I moved the lights a bit closer to Chi, the CFL with can reflector is directly over it about an inch away, and then the gooseneck is sorta from an angle at the top pointing to the side of it... I think they're growing slow because the lights are unusually far away... yet they still aren't stretching or anything... I usually have the CFLs closer, but I have been keeping them a bit farther away lately.


Well-Known Member
NIIICE looking man ... haha and yes wally world is wal-mart lol... yea they are to small to clone like u sia d.. i'de wait till the 6th or 7th node to clone .. and i hope u kon that u DONT take the main cola!!! take a side branch .. someone yesterday was bout to take his main cola!!! i was rofl... obvisouly he did not do any research on cloneing haha!