Whew... no pictures yesterday, wow idk if I am just getting more baked than usuall or this if this is bad bud... finally i got a sack last week, first time in a long time (I do smoke everyday though, I find a way, get keif, friends come over almost everyday [one inparticular knows about my grow, partially because he knew about the first grow I ever did because he was my ride to get stuff, but also he can fully be trusted with this kind of thing] and he smokes me up all the time because I am gonna smoke whatever yield I get with him, so I finally had some spare cash and got a sack...
$30 a quarter -_-, I was too blazed to even break up all the bud like I normally do to see if it breaks out to 4 blunts... $30 is a lot, but the stuff is supposedly good K, looks good, its in nug form... but something about it, especailly before I fully dried it out...
but I get pretty blazed, and then smoke a cig afterwards, my normal routine for that extra kick... but I always now end up getting so fucking tired instantly, still baked but ready for a nap... characteristic of shwag... sleepy time... hmm
Idk it takes only 1 good hit, but then again I dry the buds out 100% just leaf them on my bud tray layed overnight, so next day it breaks up into straight powder... haha you dont even know how hard it is to find a plug-nug for the bubbler, I sit there for 10 minutes finding the right one that wont cause a shit load of powder to drop into the hole... and I am very particular bout no stems no seeds definitely. I break up bud til there is not 1 even visible tiny stem...
but anyways... good stuff haha... btw I took an adderall again earlier, hopefully getting another 10... that stuff is so awesome, I get so much fuckn work done. I dont even wanna take it to abuse it, its just I get so fucking focused and accomplish so much work, and do it well... whereas normally I would be like fuck this put in minimal effort to just slide by... pretty much the whatever attitude with everything in my life haha... but damn this stuff actually helps me so much in school (im a senior and 18, just mentioning so you dont think im a fucking freshman or middle school kid or somethn haha)... I wish i could get a perscription but I never ask for help with anything... in real life, seriously I am the biggest loner. Weird how on here I am constantly asking for help with no second thought... but I would be scared even to ask my doc about it, in my mind I see him thinking to himself, this pot heads just tryn to sell it... or thinking maybe he does need it, but this stoner will probably end up selling it at some point, I dont need to risk getting in trouble for perscribing it. I dont want to have to argue with him, or have to practically prepare a huge case for him (like I was facing a judge or something), of why I really need it... and the last thing I absolutely hate to do is feel like I am pressuring him into something he doesn't want to do, haha I know that sounds gay... but he would probably have doubts if he gave me a perscription, and possibly have some sorta thoughts about losing medical license over that or something... because someone bought it, traced to me, traced to him, and the person that took it was allergic and died... those scenarios I think up haha...
I cant go in there sayn I need a perscription of adderal... and I cant let him know Ive taken it before... so I dont even fucking know where to start... lots of people get it for ADD right... I have never looked into what that actually is, but I wouldnt be suprised if I had that... my friends always say I have OCD and I am positive I do after reading some stuff about it... I am so particular about everything, and get pissed off over the SMALLEST things. Weird problems like this seems to kinda run in our family... idk...
but it would be sick if I got a perscription, just so I could take it completely as intended and everything would be so much better... wow...
haha so long... but anyways
feel free to skip reading whats above idk why i wrote it all just kept flowing, and my keystrokes are fast as fuck. i think im at 420 words per min right now haha jk, seriously like 130-150
. bout 20 above normal
Betas looking great! I am 99% sure I see bud, and I was suprised how much Beta branched out, good side lighting I guess, but it looks like there will be 6-8 main colas judging by the tops that have buds starting to form and quite a few hairs. However, node spacing is a bit more than I had on my first grows (done all wrong though, bad plants dont want to think bout those days haha), but I think I may get some popcorn buds... less yield I suppose... but I am completely stoked Beta was a female, I was practically praying for it... and the first time I saw Dieing Puffy a Male I freaked the fuck out and started thinking there was balls on Beta, heart kinda skipped a beat... damn... I was so sad thinking Beta would have balls too, but what do ya know she had her first very microscopic pistol the next day, I barely saw it, my friend couldnt see it... wow...
I am so pleased how things turned out, 2nd grow finally got vegging down for sure, and flowering looks to be doing well... I cant believe I am actually doing it

I am in the mood to get work done right now, addall does that... so
definitely pictures posted tonight, in 7 hours at most, probably sooner because I have nothn else to do but take pics of my lovely plants... did i just say lovely wtf... haha... hmmm
Figure out what I am saying and you get a cookie: I dune goo-two crow-too schuel tom-mar-oh
It helps if you say it out loud. im blazed juz made up somethn and chaged what I was sayn to other real words, so it kinda sounds like the original... haha if you get what im tryn to explain id be suprised... i dont even know what im tryn to say hhaha alright im done confusing you... uhhh ill end the post here...
Seriously comment damnit lol wow this is a big post damn... time flew by so fucking fast damnnnnn i need a cig... aight comment and ill post pics later
I got a cool idea, I make a thing in photoshop, like a cool growing calander, and each day I can put a pic for the day, any notes, waterings, nute amounts, high low temps, humidity, etc, for each day... I mean an image is a whole lot cooler to look at to see things nicely laid out each day, and see how things improved/ worsend over time... i could do 1 week in each image, and each day I would post the weeks row on the calander, each day 1 more spot filled in, when the weeks over I start with a new blank 7 day calander, and fill in days 1 by 1, posting the updated calander each day. I could probably do that... I like working in photoshop anyways... haha. I may actually start making that now... but idk bout image size allowed here so idk if 7 days would create too large file size, may have to do it in 3/4 day increments... all the same though.