oh - my - god... if I wasn't kinda fucked up I would be sooooo pissed, I went back to the grow room to finish my work, well it all went down hill when I knocked 2 sprouts from under the t-12 to the floor, completely destroyed roots laying on a fatty pile of soil all over the carpet, the one in miracle grow I just shoved all the soil and everything I could back in, there was a lot of hair in it, and I am sure the carpets dirty, I smelled dust when I was rubbing soil out of it... it hasn't been vacuumed in probably a decade... so I will definitely try to do that tomorrow.
Anyways so after I get done cleaning up the first mess of 2 entire plants and the soil on the ground... I get back to working on the floros new setup that I was gonna do tomorrow, but... haha wait technically it is tomorrow since its almost 2:30, haha I cant believe how awesome this adderall was, it was my first ever I took, I have 7 more, hah I bought 8 for $15 and my word I would buy him a pack of ciggaretts with his money, next time he needed a pack, and I would stop whatever I am doing and go get them for him... I saved a dollar by sayn that haha oh well... I could resell the pills $4 ea, I paid $2 ea, and make double... idk Adderall doesn't come by any of us very often, so if I keep it and then one random day I just tell my friends I have some adderall $4 a pop because thats what they are worth to me... I think I could get it from some of them... I could probably sell one for $5 to a certain someone... haha but damn the one pill I took gave me a feeling very similar to ecstasy, soooo similar, the euphoric feeling... haha makes me want to rant on and on and on...
But the setup I wanted to do with the floros and the CFL plant is like completely done... it didn't turn out quite the way I wanted, I may raise the floro up a few notches on the chain so I can fully fit the gooseneck in the center over the CFL plant, so that it still gets some of the nice 6500k spectrum light from the floro on its sides from reflections off the wall and mylar... better than nothing which was what it was getting.
Haha making those adjustments to the floro and the single CFL plant setup took about 4 times longer than expected, just over 2 hours, and all because I had to spill 2 plants at once on the ground [one of those cups had 2 sprouts in it, I wasn't able to recover one of them, the label on one of the spilled cups was Doube, double without the L, because there were 2 plants in that cup... and I lost one of them

. I am in so much disbelief, 2 plants fall at once... so much soil spilled... and then I knock the other one over a second time after repotting it with fresh soil and watering... AGAIN fall over, trying to finish the same exact thing on the floro setup... literally after picking up the first mess, and repotting and rewatering them as promptly as possible, I set them on the surface behind me, and I walk to the other side of the floro, and bump it over with my ass not even 2 sec after just getting done picking all of its mess up and doing EVERYTHING to it... a third freakn mess, second time the plant fell to the carpet in a 15 min period.
So I probably stressed those sprouts a bit... but no worries I germinated more seeds today... this time I am not sure what the seeds are... theyre bag seeds and some of my seeds got mixed up, my new plants could be any of the following... I am sure of all the seeds that it possibly could be... I was just a stupid stoner and didn't keep the seeds perfectly seperated and they could have mixed... so I just said fuck it, I will take some of each... pretty much its stupid to take out fire seeds and set them on your desk thinking youll remember what they are a week later, haha and then I set some other seeds on my desk that I wasnt sure of... and both those small piles like 3 seeds in ea pile got hit with my pencil on accident and scattered.
So I am germinating apprx 6-8 new seeds now, haha wow it seems like I always have a new batch of sprouts going out now, since around 1-1/2 weeks ago - this is my 4th germination batch of 6+ seeds, for about 6 new sprouts... if all goes well the floro should finally be filled with plants, I just felt bad having sooo much space under it not being used, adding some plants couldn't hurt... I just need to get one out of the batch that thrives in the shitty conditions I give it, like Beta does haha.
The seeds germinating are bagseeds of the following... I had multiple seeds of each, no way to know exactly what I am germinating at all, all I can hope is that I got the good one in italics haha... anyways: Strawberry K,
Sour Apple,
Juicy Fruit, Kind Bud. I had some seeds come out of an old sack I saved from like 2-3 months max ago, the sack was either sour apple or juicy fruit, I couldn't identify the taste... which leads me to think the bud could have been sprayed, me and my other genious friend were both very suspicious about these cheap fire buds... the bud smells great, even the stems smell, and gets you blazed as hell, its definitely not anything close to shwag, and we usually get buds, they are connected to someone who grows hella, but the buds good hardly any seeds haha I have already ruined all the seeds I was sure was juicy fruit, except for 5-6 juicy fruit thats still currently growing... thats why I really want a harvest, if the bud was sprayed I will end up with just whatever decently fire bud they sprayed... could have been kind bud that was sprayed... but the buds aren't quite the same. The sour apple and juicy fruit are ridiculously lime green and hella stank like there respective flavors... but theres been talk from a few people recently that the last few sacks they bought from them tasted like shit, the juicy fruit... said it tasted decent and then later on it like staled out bad and tasted like absolute crap, guy said he couldn't even smoke it... the same stuff he had just been smoking earlier... odd... but then again hes the kinda guy who would never hit anything home made, never hit resin, etc... so idk how bad it was... but whatever the plants bud wont lie...
since I am using bag seeds though, and supposedly the guy who grows it is actually growing the flavors were buying... which I am starting to kinda believe theres no doubt the stuff we were buying was real, because of how he would run out of a certain flavor, but still have others, and once a flavor was gone it was gone forever... if he was spraying it I am sure they could eaisly get more of the sour apple spray and spray whatever kind of bud simple as that to restock on whats been gone since I bought my first sack of it, $30 a quarter, but I think the guy I got it from gets it $25 a quarter... I hate how much the price of sacks increase everytime it gets handed to another person to sell... but its good being at the top of the ladder haha if you know what I mean, I know the person who gets it from a dealer that all he does is deal pot, and he gets that pot directly from the grower, not too many hands it passes through... we can get pounds of shwag directly from the dealers $700/lb and its really not that bad... but we usually have to buy a pound of that and sell most of it, always make like almost double our money, ontop of what we chief out of the brick... but anyways no more of that shwag haha...
so this was a huge rant... I will post pictures sometime soon... I took quiteeee aaa feww... including pics of the messes, partially cleaned up.

look forward to laughing at my dumb ass haha its funny.
Other than the plant tippings, everything looks good, I may try to break off some of the yellow stiff leaves on the plants, I never take off leaves that dont completely crumble when I push down on it... if the leaves completely dead the stem just snaps right off with a slight tap, I don't remove yellow/ dead leaves unless they fall off with a mere tap haha I learned its bad to do because the plant still has energy stored in the leaf that it can use, and removing those leaves really is just doing more harm than good.
I have a cup now I will fill with dead leafs and dead plants just throw it all in the cup, pretty much all the plant parts except the roots, any suggestions on what to do with those when I have quite a bit of em? All the leafs and the dead plant in the cup is bone dry and stiff and leaves just crumble when you touch em... I was thinking of trying to extract THC with isopropyl alcohol, I was thinking poke some small holes in the bottom of the cup with the plant parts in it, not big enough for any thing to fall through but liquid, then pour the alcohol over it and drain it in another cup, pour that over all the plant parts again while it drains in another cup, and keep on repeating until I think I have washed all the THC off...... I don't know if that would work, but I tried soaking old plant leaves and stems in isoproply alcohol and let it evaporate and there was a collection at the bottom of crystals and green looking goop.
Wow long post... pics soon.
BTW random joke I made up:
Worst part about the second 2 hour trip in the closet was that the air in the room was 91 degrees, I was sweating more than a fat guy staring at a Twinkie that he can't have cuz hes on a died... haha hilarious joke huh? But seriously for 2 hours cramped in my narrow small closet constantly knocking shit over and dripping sweat, I about puked too, the Adderall and all the staying in one position for like half an hour did not mix well... legs and shit numb as fuck, hurt like fuck to get up, sweat soaking my shirt, and my saliva glands were going crazy, I was constantly just swallowing spit cuz my mouth kept constantly making more haha, annndd the entire 4 hours I spent working on the grow room I didn't have 1 cigarrette haha wow I am so suprised.