For the first time in since the first few days of the grow I missed a picture [on purpose, because I didn't feel like taking dead plant pics

]... so it was yesterdays pics missed, I still didnt show the ones I took the day before, so its been 2 days without pics posted... tonight I will be sure to post some, even though they aren't looking pretty haha.
that would make yesterday:
Day 26 - 1/13/8 - Alpha - Chi
Day 14 - 1/13/8 - Sprouts
thanks Hole, I will definitely keep it going, though I have kinda forgotten about growing... what I mean is I check up on them maybe once a day now just to see if they need water... so Im only in the room for maybe 10 min a day, compared to 1-2+ hours a day... I will just let them keep going for now... hoping to transplant Beta and Chi and get that out of the way, hopefully they get better after a transplant... I am thinking and hoping the cups too small and thats why they have kinda stopped growing and drooped, but who knows... temps good, humidity at around 26%.
but yeah once every plant and sprout that i have [8?] is dead I will give up... but... once they start dieing off... the bigger ones beta and chi [if they do]... theres more room, and the lights will be sooo much easier to get where I want them.
I think once again I made the mistake of my first grow... trying to grow too many plants... I get greedy and then lazy with em... so some plants aren't getting good light, different watering cycles, bad-er ventilation... etc... a good number of plants for my kinda setup is 3, I should have stuck with the 3 I had... but ehy I got 6 cups and 8 plants now... it is going to be a bitch having 2 big pots with Beta and Chi, and then trying to have the other cups under the lights too... this is turning out more and more like my last grow every day haha.
if this CFL grow fails, then I might just say fuck it with the CFLs, and next time I grow I will buy a 400w HPs or something... I mean its like $150 max at HTGS? Ive spent almost double that on CFLs, and light fixtures alone, with nothing to show... I will definitely have something to show with a HPs... but a HPs grow would not be done at my house, it would be when I move out or something... whenever that happens... it all depends on what ends up happening after high school (its my senior year if you didn't know, and its almost over).
but I cant blame the CFLs for everything, I haven't heard of anyone having good results with miracle grow, thats what I am using... so maybe everything will work out better in a better soil, which I should be getting soon... its the main reason I am waiting to transplant, I have a full bag of miracle grow, but I don't want to use it again... and I am iffy about using the dollar general potting soil since it kinda turns muddy-ish, and hard when it dries, nothing like the consistency of miracle grow, where you can just take a handful and so much falls through your hands as powder, and its loose and stuff... I am really worried the dollar general stuff being at the bottom of the pot will also clog any drainage.