• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Round 2 - Its about time. A [Soil - CFL - Closet] Grow


Well-Known Member
Aight, pictures

Day 22 - 01/10/08 [Plants Alpha - Chi]; Beta watered, 3 sprouts watered.
Day 10 - 01/10/08 [The 3 cups with sprouts]

Oh yeah, the temps are doing much better staying just under 80 now, well thats what it was doing that last few times I checked the max mins, as long as I dont put a towel under the closet doors temps stay down much better, so that means I can add more lights.



Well-Known Member
I thought they were alright in those cups? Do I need to transplant?

Someone told me I could wait awhile...

I think I am going to add more lights later, and I am planning on taking A LOT of shit outta the closet and making a whole lot more room.

Oh yeah Alpha who was transplanted from the big pot back to the small cup, half its roots destroyed... I think is starting to grow maybe...


Well-Known Member
yea u need to tranplant them into bout 2gakllon tubs wud be ok ... i know alot of ppl on here say a gallon per ft but my dad has 5mothers in 1 gallon pots and they are freakinh over 3ft tall ... sooo yaa u se like 1 gakllo or 2 gallon pots ...

yea it sucks tranplant them and thee roots get hurt or broke...

and ez way to do it is not to water it for a while so the soil dries up then u want to its put the stem between ur two fingers and trun it upside down and tap the bottom of the container and then transplant it ... or an evenn easier way to do this if u want cut the bottom part of the current container and then put that into ur new medium ... thats easier if u can do that man ...

ohter than that ... u got it under control bro?


Well-Known Member
Yep everythings looking good. When I transplant Beta and Chi (ASAP), I will be careful to not disturb the roots, although I could cut down the side of the cup and cut the bottom out and it would come right open like that... idk what I will do, I will try to find 2 gallon buckets.

If it came down to it would I be able to construct something ghetto out of cardboard and hot glue, and line the entire inside with a black trashbag? Ehh draining might not work too well... fuck I havent seen pots for sale anywhere.


New Member
You could probably go to a local nursery and see if they threw any old plastic containers for plants out. I use to work at a nursery and we would always have a ton of the regular cheap black plastic ones laying around. They might even give them to you for free if you went and asked, or sell them for cheap.


New Member
That could possibly work. You would just have to worry about leakage. You could use a large bucket? Some type of large salad bowl? haha. I saw a guy use a big popcorn bowl once.


Well-Known Member
yea thats where i get my black plastic pots at is my local nursey but the first time i went there seh was like how big do u want and i was like uhhhh .. she was like welll what kind of plant is it? .. im like a house tree lol ... she was like .. ohhh then u shud use thes 5 gallons im like .. ok .. and dshe sold them to me for like a quater a peice. neddless to say i got like 50 haha


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt think there would be much leakage with soil in 2 milk jugs hot glued and duct taped together, especially since all it would contain is moist soil, and it would have drainage at the bottom, and would be nicely sized... maybe just 1 milk jug? 1 milk jug and raise it a little so its about 1 1/4 milk jugs tall, the gallon size ones... I will get a picture later haha. It would definitely be eaiser to make a few milk jug ghetto pots, than finding any around here this time of year.

Its pretty cold here, so I doubt I would find pots anywhere, I havent even seen them in years and years... I will ask my friends where they think i should go to find some pots haha, maybe they have some idk.

I do have buckets that I would prefer not to use since theyre all different sizes, and not big enough to not have to transplant again, so bad idea to use.

As soon as the transplant happens though, I will be raising the hood, probably by a few feet, and that will make it a million times easier to position light, because right now I am having huge problems, so many unused sockets but I cant use any of them because other lights are in the way, or one of the gooseneck lams in the way. At this point the plants are pretty much huddled in the middle fan on one side and lights all focused in the middle all the way around the plants, and then lights above it. I think theres now 7-8 CFLs being used, temp stays down around 82, gets down into the mid 60s when lights off.


Well-Known Member
Shit Chi is completely drooping, has been since I first checked yesterday... like every leaf straight down and dead, theres no question that every leaf below its top is dead... but now its few leafs that looked decent completely drooping and dieing... WTF WTF WTF. It was doing fine and I really did not do anything.

Beta hasn't grown since I topped it, but its starting to droop a lil more than usual.

The sprouts still look pretty decent... one of the good ones got burned somehow WTF... or its the leafs yellowing on the end... looks like a burn but its nowhere near the mother fucking lights its like 2 inches away from 1 single light.

This shit is fucking lame... every time. I guess I can put some of the blame on the miracle not grow... but fuck, every single plant in MG ends up doing the same thing, one day you go check on your plant expecting to be surprised with good results and you find your plant completely drooping and almost completely dead.

these CFLs just are not cutting it either, I can not place them where I need to, I have plenty of sockets up top, but theres shit in front of avaliable sockets, and none of the light really disperses under the hood, so it all has to be really aimed, which I cant do with the way my light strip is now, so so much wasted light... I only have 3 moveable sockets, which would be great if y-sockets fit in all 3, but 2 of them have shitty metal reflectors around the socket that takes up so much fucking room, but it doesn't come off, I have tried everything.

So, the only thing not fucked up right now is the temperature. I am pretty pissed... same exact thing happening this time. This grow wont even make it half as far as my fucking first one did, the one I spent way less money on, the one that was 10x ghettoer...

this was going to be my last grow for a very long time, since I had time to finish when I started, I don't think theres time to completely restart... so I am fucked with this shit... its all gonna die, every one of them I bet dies around day 30.

I still haven't gone up to Lowes, right now new soils looking pretty pointless, plants are gonna die before a transplant happens, I dont know if I will even bother, plus I dont even have anything big enough right now, so screw it. Let them all just die and be over with it.

Day 25 - 1/12/8 - Alpha - Chi
Day 13 - 1/12/8 - Sprouts

I have pictures from yesterdays day 25/13 I may post later.


Well-Known Member
hey man if u want.... u can always use shop flors go to walmart in the lgith section and get a shop light hood and then cool blue tubes .....th is if u want to get rid of the cfl .. or u cud still sue the cfls ... but the shop hood is 4ft long soo.hmmm


Well-Known Member
hey man if u want.... u can always use shop flors go to walmart in the lgith section and get a shop light hood and then cool blue tubes .....th is if u want to get rid of the cfl .. or u cud still sue the cfls ... but the shop hood is 4ft long soo.hmmm
How much does it cost? does the tubes provide a lot more light?


Well-Known Member
Errr I think Betas going to die soon too... I think the time release nutes and shit is releasing and killing them... fuck it.

I will give it one more go... I will buy new bulbs that I am 100% sure are in the blue spectrum or get some tubes or t5s or something... does Lowes sell T5's? I just need something a little eaiser to light a lot of plants with... my current setup doesn't work at all, all the lights from the main hood are wayyy to far away, and so much light is wasted...

for the time being I will start an experimental thing, I have a pot about 1 1/2 gallons, and I mixed about 3/4 dollar general potting soil with 1/4 miracle grow, just so its looser... and the dollar general potting soil turns to like mud... so the miracle grow will help it, and its only 1/4 strength on the plants haha... Im going to germinate 2 seeds, and plant them in it, and see how that goes... but I am going to start something completely new soon, as soon as I get more money... and figure out wtf I am going to do.


New Member
A dude i know had a CFL fall on his plant and it sat there for like 5 hours they other day, needless to say the plant never recovered. A plant dying totally sucks.


Well-Known Member
Errr I think Betas going to die soon too... I think the time release nutes and shit is releasing and killing them... fuck it.

I will give it one more go... I will buy new bulbs that I am 100% sure are in the blue spectrum or get some tubes or t5s or something... does Lowes sell T5's? I just need something a little eaiser to light a lot of plants with... my current setup doesn't work at all, all the lights from the main hood are wayyy to far away, and so much light is wasted...

for the time being I will start an experimental thing, I have a pot about 1 1/2 gallons, and I mixed about 3/4 dollar general potting soil with 1/4 miracle grow, just so its looser... and the dollar general potting soil turns to like mud... so the miracle grow will help it, and its only 1/4 strength on the plants haha... Im going to germinate 2 seeds, and plant them in it, and see how that goes... but I am going to start something completely new soon, as soon as I get more money... and figure out wtf I am going to do.
fuk BrokenHope,,your nick says it all,,keep em goin no matter what,,if they ain't burnt and crispy,,don't stop,,your nick,,and your actions show you give up ,,way to easy,,your grow ain't done till someone here says it is,,now put that shit in bigger pots,,aim the lights,,fukk what everyone here says,,and keep on tryin,,till they disintegrate,,and grow some dope,,god dammit

Keep on Growin(till forever)



Well-Known Member
For the first time in since the first few days of the grow I missed a picture [on purpose, because I didn't feel like taking dead plant pics :P]... so it was yesterdays pics missed, I still didnt show the ones I took the day before, so its been 2 days without pics posted... tonight I will be sure to post some, even though they aren't looking pretty haha.

that would make yesterday:
Day 26 - 1/13/8 - Alpha - Chi
Day 14 - 1/13/8 - Sprouts


thanks Hole, I will definitely keep it going, though I have kinda forgotten about growing... what I mean is I check up on them maybe once a day now just to see if they need water... so Im only in the room for maybe 10 min a day, compared to 1-2+ hours a day... I will just let them keep going for now... hoping to transplant Beta and Chi and get that out of the way, hopefully they get better after a transplant... I am thinking and hoping the cups too small and thats why they have kinda stopped growing and drooped, but who knows... temps good, humidity at around 26%.

but yeah once every plant and sprout that i have [8?] is dead I will give up... but... once they start dieing off... the bigger ones beta and chi [if they do]... theres more room, and the lights will be sooo much easier to get where I want them.

I think once again I made the mistake of my first grow... trying to grow too many plants... I get greedy and then lazy with em... so some plants aren't getting good light, different watering cycles, bad-er ventilation... etc... a good number of plants for my kinda setup is 3, I should have stuck with the 3 I had... but ehy I got 6 cups and 8 plants now... it is going to be a bitch having 2 big pots with Beta and Chi, and then trying to have the other cups under the lights too... this is turning out more and more like my last grow every day haha.

if this CFL grow fails, then I might just say fuck it with the CFLs, and next time I grow I will buy a 400w HPs or something... I mean its like $150 max at HTGS? Ive spent almost double that on CFLs, and light fixtures alone, with nothing to show... I will definitely have something to show with a HPs... but a HPs grow would not be done at my house, it would be when I move out or something... whenever that happens... it all depends on what ends up happening after high school (its my senior year if you didn't know, and its almost over).

but I cant blame the CFLs for everything, I haven't heard of anyone having good results with miracle grow, thats what I am using... so maybe everything will work out better in a better soil, which I should be getting soon... its the main reason I am waiting to transplant, I have a full bag of miracle grow, but I don't want to use it again... and I am iffy about using the dollar general potting soil since it kinda turns muddy-ish, and hard when it dries, nothing like the consistency of miracle grow, where you can just take a handful and so much falls through your hands as powder, and its loose and stuff... I am really worried the dollar general stuff being at the bottom of the pot will also clog any drainage.


its funny how that works... thats the main thing i disagree with most people on. cfls are just not good for beginners. to grow succesfully with them you have to know what you are doing. and definatly man in the long run cfls cost you more money. as far as floros go the tube lights are much easier for vegging. now yes i do believe lowes sells t-5 fixtures. but i saw a t-12 light fixture at home depot the other day for 30 dollars and it was a 2ft fixture better yet! the bulbs cost about $16 bucks a piece so total your looking at around $65 bucks at that will vegg your plants nicley.. and yeah htgsupply.com has a 400watt hps bulb, ballast, and reflector for $143 bucks out the door after shipping and after tax its great i got mine today and am fucking excited as all hell.. for your next grow go buy some foxfarm ocean forrest soil about $17 bucks.. you might have to drive for a while to get to your nearest hydro store but its worth it trust me... so yeah you could be growing some high quality bud for under $250. not bad. i say save up and grow some sick herb the right way !!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I will look into the t-12, that sounds perfect.

I probably couldn't drive somewhere like that though... I have never even heard of a hydro store except from people talking about them on here... so I doubt there is one remotely around here, and I pretty much have to be guided by someone anywhere further than 10 miles if I haven't been there... I get lost easily haha.

but I could get whatever soil Lowes or Home Depot has, something other than miracle grow.

I have a friend who is willing to invest some money for a cut of the harvest... I could estimate $100 for all the new supplys (t-12, soil, pots), he could match me $50, and I could give him 1/4 of the harvest or something (if there is one, and only 1/4 since I have already spent so much on lights, and I am doing all the work)... maybe, we will have to work something out... I have plenty of money, I just don't like spending it all on this, since nothings worked so far... and I could have bought bud instead haha.

I found the t-12 thing at home depots website, they have it in stock at my local store $30... is it 4ft long? Its specifications on the website are really confusing... but its 2 40watt tubes, and I also found those on the website in stock at the local store... they are Philips HomeLight Cool White Plus, the other kind was soft white, and those were the only 2 4ft long t-12s available, only 2 options for the bulb... how many lumens do these things output anyways? website doesn't specify... but the t-12s look so much easier to use, and I already have a place to hang it from, and I can still use the CFLs on the side, perfect... and from the looks of it, it will cost me $40 including tax...