Round 2: Extrema & El Monstre DWC Cooler Scrog


Well-Known Member
Fuck I'm speechless, we can call you the ganga wisper, your Lst IS AWESOME, I'm jealous as hell. I got to learn that real soon, like next grow, that's how you get pounds off 1 plant, I fucking hate you, LOL WOW! I got trees but you got Carpet!!! Good on you. couple more pix from under like the last pix.

Peace Brother
Haha Thanks!! I don't know about the ganja whisperer but it does have a good ring to it!
It is not as even as I wanted it to be but I am def satisfied with the way she is looking so far.
I am hoping to get 6-8 oz dry off her. I think I could pull a pound with one from clone and knowing it's a female with enough veg time.


Well-Known Member
Supz I'm pretty sure I got wood from Pic 2 on your last round of pics..just thought I'd throw that out there lmao. Nice work got hella GOOD things comin from that beast;)


Well-Known Member
Picked up me a bag of AK-47. First time I have smoked any of this strain. It's pretty damn good & looks Awesome!

My lovely lady is starting to pack on some size! Budz are getting bigger & fatter by the day.
The smell is strong and pungent. Smells like diesel or licorice.
Was gonna take some pics but I'll wait a day or so. Make ya wait and give ya something to look forward to.


Well-Known Member
Glad to see all of y'all are so eager to see update pics. Haha!

Went to Lowes and didn't find any humidifier floats or anything like I wanted other than a toilet float.
So I found this one online for $13 including shipping.
Hoping it will get here early this week so I can hook it up and give it a test run.
I don't plan to drill into the cooler so I will make an extension of some sort to hold the float in the rez.
And I am gonna fill my exterior top up rez with ice so my rez will stay cool. I figure the ice will last a day or so before it melts.
Should be okay! We shall see.


Well-Known Member
Thanks! I tried to Rep you for being the only one who has posted in here in a while but it won't let me.
I haven't counted an exact number but I have around 40 budz thru the screen. The smaller ones in the middle are 4-6 inches and the outer budz are 8-12.
They are getting super sticky. I do not touch the budz, but when I cut off a leaf that is blocking another bud then I cut it off and my fingers get super sticky.
I have been running my PPM a little lower this grow and focused more on keeping my rez temp between 62-67. PPM are at 1450 PPM. pH stays a steady 5.8-6
I have not changed my rez since switching to 12/12 5 weeks ago. She doesn't seem to mind and neither do I. Saves me on nutes.


Well-Known Member
Yea... I think adding that cold water once a day or once every two days gives them enough "new" water.. and with the amount of oxygen you pump in there definitely should be keeping it oxygenated. I have been running mine on the same batch of water and nutes for 2 weeks now, but 5 is quite some time.. THANK GOD for tri-meters man. Just add till you hit the magic numbers..cant beat it.

No worries about rep, sometimes it makes you wait awhile, but this is how we get better. You know how they have like teachers conventions and shit? Well that what this is to me, except every day :) I don't just want nugs.. I want the dankest nugs in town.

Holy shit, 1450ppm?!!? Damn dude. I wonder if El Mon and Extrema strains have a super high tolerance for ppm's, or if they are actually eating all of it... Any signs of nute-burn? Any twistage?

Also I've been meaning to ask, are you training your lower bud sites too, or just the main colas?


Well-Known Member
In Round 1 at this time I was around 1700 PPM with very minimal nute burn early on in 12/12.
This grow I have had no sign of nute burn on any of the leaves so far. Knock on wood!
I have been running the nutes a little lower since I have a shortage of nutes. Making em last to finish the grow out.
I don't plan on changing the rez again til the last 2 weeks then I will do a gradual flush til the last 3-5 days and run strait water.


Well-Known Member
Got my float valve in the mail yesterday. Now I just gotta get the stuff to hook it up and test it out.



Well-Known Member
you can get the hose at Homer Depot, it should be the same size as a refrigerator water supply line. Light will cause green alga to form, just make sure if it's not black you cover it with something so light can't get at it. Getting away just got easier bro, Peace


Well-Known Member
you can get the hose at Homer Depot, it should be the same size as a refrigerator water supply line. Light will cause green alga to form, just make sure if it's not black you cover it with something so light can't get at it. Getting away just got easier bro, Peace
I went to Lowes and checked. They didn't have black tubing in my size.
I got some clear tubing that I will wrap with black electrical tape real good to block out the light.
Using my other sport cooler as the exterior rez with a nipple on it to hook my tubing up to.
Gonna sit the cooler in a tray in case I have any leaks. Fill it up with ice and hope for the best.


Well-Known Member
This is my last photo update for the next week. Gonna setup the float tomorrow.
A few pistils are starting to turn brown/amber and the budz are getting fat.
Should see a good change in size when I return.

PPM 1550
pH 5.6
Rez Temp: 64-67



Well-Known Member
So whats up blu got any pics yet i been watching from the sidelines quietly but looking fire.....i would have been about 5 weeks in at this point if i didnt have to deal with punks.......instead about a week and a half ago the garbage desposal got the best of them.....probably my best three clones ever too....sucked but better safe than sorry.....