rotten smell from plants :(

One other thing to consider is temperature if the smell bothers you. Terpinoids get released twice from a plant, when it is at 21 degrees Celsius and when it is at 31 degrees Celsius. in the night you have high humidity and if your temps sit at 21 you will get a load of stink . try ensuring when you reduce humidity that you are in the 22-24 range and you will def notice less smell.


New Member
They look like they need a good couple of weeks for sure. Without foliage it may take longer to ripen. There are no pistils turning yellow as this is an indicator of maturing. If you have leeched or flushed already you may want to feed 1/2 strength for another week or so then continue flushing. Do you have a loop? or scope to look at the thrichs? This is the only for sure way of telling maturity. JAS


They look like they need a good couple of weeks for sure. Without foliage it may take longer to ripen. There are no pistils turning yellow as this is an indicator of maturing. If you have leeched or flushed already you may want to feed 1/2 strength for another week or so then continue flushing. Do you have a loop? or scope to look at the thrichs? This is the only for sure way of telling maturity. JAS
Yeah I have a 30x loupe. Thats what I thought....another couple weeks. They are def taking longer than they should...even if they overun the 7 weeks....theyve been flowering for 5. Fingers crossed & will take ur advice & half strength feed for another week or so. Thanks for the reply!! :)


New Member
Flo was there a reason for removing so much leaf during the cycle? I would have to say this is one of the main reason for a longer finish. Next crop don't remove leaves unless you need air circulation or are very crowded and you will probably mature quicker for you. JAS


Flo was there a reason for removing so much leaf during the cycle? I would have to say this is one of the main reason for a longer finish. Next crop don't remove leaves unless you need air circulation or are very crowded and you will probably mature quicker for you. JAS
Well its my first time....a friend told me to trim some leaves....but obv I was a bit snipper happy :) lol!! Lesson learnt.....