Rot making me harvest

I am growing 3 Sebrings Revenge plants outside.... They started to flower back in the last week of July. I was away for a couple of days in the last week of August when a tropical storm took an unexpected turn north thru my area and drenched them. Shortly after I noticed bud rot developing. I isolated that plant... farrr away. Now the other 2 plants are getting infected so I will chop tomorrow. A shame because if I had been more mindful I could have anticipated this and taken measures as in previous years. The buts are big and sticky...would make great glue/ ....They are about 7 weeks into flower so they are nearly there. I will just have to salvage what I can. My son has a drying room where we can run a dehumidifier and fans to do a quick dry. The buds will used to make oils and balms for pain etc.