Rosey's Grow~~check out my plants!


Well-Known Member
you just wanna claim your title as the asteroids champion ;)

24000points....I think you had a bot playing lol
Second round I got 28k...... I've been playing it daily for a month now. Look at the ranks. lol.... I will not touch the high score. I got so fucking close but the damn little space ships are killer.


Well-Known Member
I'm top 10 in almost all if not all the games by now. Tricks help.. theres a secret to Hexxagon that you can win in 6 moves. but it's not easy to actually do. You have to keep doing it over and over until the computer does what you want.


Well-Known Member
hey rosie peach sorry to hear about them allergys hope u feel better
thanks bigworm♥

I just want to say something to everyone who visits my page friends here, you know who you are and I include you too bigworm;)....I think I'm the loneliest I've ever been in my life....I've always had someone around, ya know, a I'm just here. It's weird. I enjoy it sometimes but other times it gets me down. That's why I love hanging out with you's guys so much, it helps to pass the time and the bonus is I feel like I have good friends here to spend it with.

Just sayin...:)


Well-Known Member
thanks bigworm♥

I just want to say something to everyone who visits my page friends here, you know who you are and I include you too bigworm;)....I think I'm the loneliest I've ever been in my life....I've always had someone around, ya know, a I'm just here. It's weird. I enjoy it sometimes but other times it gets me down. That's why I love hanging out with you's guys so much, it helps to pass the time and the bonus is I feel like I have good friends here to spend it with.

Just sayin...:)

I remember my divorce many many moons ago.... and at the time I too always had someone and I can identify with the loneliness. My hunch is in the season your sense of self reliance will increase and you will achieve much you thought you could not do on your own. I found when I could live my life alone and find identity in who I am and what I want to do in my life it put me in a place where those friendships are formed and one is never alone (except at night). But this is when I decided more about what I want in a life with someone and I am in a place where when that person comes I will not be a burden for I am self reliant and I will not be more apt to settle in that I have grown to resolve the challenges in life and when I need help I've learned to humble myself and ask for help and lean more on my TRUST with Big Papa upstairs that HE's got my back I just got to stop getting in the way and making things difficult by putting hot coals into my lap!

Anywise just been my experience
Hope and asking Big Papa da best for you!

Grow On My Friends Grow On


Well-Known Member
CFL's and a T5

it's not the greatest set up. I had plans for a new light system but the ex said hell no. Why in the world would he invest a buck fifty in a light that did nothing but raise the power bill for him? there was no reasoning with him whatsoever. Nevermind the fact that I was growing my own so that I didn't have to pay for it which meant more money in HIS pocket. There was also the fact that my plants were my everything! he knew it and he hated it. He said that I cared more about my plants and RIU than him. Ha! what a joke. I did care about him, very much. I turned to the plants and RIU because he was destroying my sanity! 14 years I did nothing but try to please him. I realized one day that there was no pleasing him and found a way to overcome the depression by growing my own. Now even though I am still growing, it's not the same. I miss having my own garden. It was my escape. Here the closet is in my nephew's room, since I sleep on the sofa. I'm a grown ass 45 year old woman sleeping on my brother's sofa because my ex is a dick. Joke's on me! He's in the house and has the dogs and the car we just bought. I left everything behind. Pretty dumb huh? lol....I could have kicked him out but then I'd be stuck in that same tiny dark house in the woods with no one around 6 days a week. I'm good where I'm at for now and I just pray to the Big Papa to steer me right.