don't mind Stew...he's just bein protective..he's my sweetie....I understand very similar thing with my family . Atleast you care and are interested. Are you able to check on her often or is that not an option ? Or becoming her caretaker ?
she's my mom man..ya know? but thanks, I preciate it a lot! better scoot or Stew will cook your goose!!!! not my thread sweetie...look for Rosey's Grow under General forumWell hopefully it works out for you and your family! Maybe you or someone close will move in and be there for them. If you do end up taking care of her you will be an awesome person for having done that! You will always be able to look at that as something you did for someone. Good luck .
r u serious? well thanks for that baby boy!!!This guy talking about people with problems like he cares! He's been bashed by a number of people for making fun of special needs children..... used to post photo's of special Olympics kids and make fun of them.... AHHHHH shit like that pisses me off.
By clicking the Agree button, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any lawsStew your stupid as dogshit . i do care why would i stop to talk to her dick ? Ive been bashed by a number of people for making fun of special needs ? Your a liar so go fuck yourself . I posted funny pics as test post. With no commentary . Cook that goose sheep.
beech can't ban. He's not global sadly enough.....Get beech now!!!!!!