Well-Known Member
Ya'll know what??? I'm feeling a ton better...where the heck is everybody tonight??

SHIT!!! I missed 420!!!???? I HATE MAKIN SAMMICHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND ME CAUSE IT'S 4:20 AND I'M HIGH AS FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
Show me please???? I wanna laugh! keeps my mind off things ya know?in the video..... 69" bell bottoms. lol. it was the cool thing around the new millennium lol...
WELL, You have always been a LEGEND.....IN YOUR OWN MIND!! OF COURSE..haha I've made it to a sig! I'm FAMOUS!
HAHA thanks BEECH. My day will come. The internet can make anyone famous. Hell, If I smoked crack and recorded myself I could get over 1000000 hits on youtube. hahahahahaa but no thanks. I'll stick to growin my pretty green garden.WELL, You have always been a LEGEND.....IN YOUR OWN MIND!! OF COURSE..
Couldn't Help myself.......J/K.I do have High hopes on you becoming famous,Not sure for what THO.