Rosey's Grow~~check out my plants!

what a great feeling to be working again. I've missed being productive!! I've got someone offering to get me a job out of state, just stuck with personal stuff I need to deal with here first. Mom, house repairs, etc..we'll get er done, I'm sure of it :mrgreen:
After the day I had at work I should be dead.

Alas, I am not. Instead I'm stuck here in front of this computer with a manic as hell brain. Anyone around tonight, wish I was partying but just found out I'm working again tomorrow after being told I was off till Thursday. OK. Whateva! I'm there :mrgreen:

@cat of curiosity hit me up if you want, I'm up till 10 ;)
I hear ya... Just pulled a 12 hour day workin my ass off and now i have about a pound sitting in front of me that needs to be trimmed... I just cant get motivated to do it though
I feel ya on that brother!!! I'm dead ass!! Hahahahaa

Got to eat sooner or later. Just ain't hungry tonight, so wine is my fine dining this evening :D
Really nice lady! bet she is tasty as hell :mrgreen:

ever grown any PE?

Never grown any because Austin had way to much of it after the damn movie. It was literally the only top quality stuff you could get for about a year. I kinda got burnt out on it. But that doesnt mean its not fire!