Roseman and purpdaddys guide for my Bubbleponics setup from Stealth Hydroponics


Well-Known Member
Most times when I hear this, it is hydroton dust, from not rinsing the rocks 100% clear.
yea man that sounds like it would be the problem.Always rinse the hydroton or wash it clean with plain water upon its first useto get the dust and other particles that are on it off,.


Well-Known Member
haha thats crazy our water lines run under a graveyard!! how u luv that!:spew:
LOL! At least that's more interesting than just saying that the water tastes like crap simply because you got spoiled from living in rural areas. ;) I'm sure a lot of water lines run under graveyards though, especially in any decent-sized town. There are plenty of those long-term vacation spots in my city. :lol:

Roseman, just gotta say.... I've been following your BP (and other) posts very closely, and have learned so much from you! Your sharing of knowledge here has been a godsend, and then some!


Well-Known Member
LOL! At least that's more interesting than just saying that the water tastes like crap simply because you got spoiled from living in rural areas. ;) I'm sure a lot of water lines run under graveyards though, especially in any decent-sized town. There are plenty of those long-term vacation spots in my city. :lol:

Roseman, just gotta say.... I've been following your BP (and other) posts very closely, and have learned so much from you! Your sharing of knowledge here has been a godsend, and then some!

haha ya got jokes Uh?Naw this is a certified LA shithole we live in,,LA is the WORST place to live and prolly the poorest state in america..YOULL NEVER NEVER EVER see a PUBLIC WATERLINE running under a graveyard...and the water doesnt taste bad,,its just whats in it that me and everyother resident in this city are scared of,,,We had a fucked up mayor back in the day that said.hey lets run the waterlines under MY graveyard to save the town some money..ya know whats in thats soil??Decomposing,rotten flesh and bones,,,Would you wanna drink water that comes from under a graveyard,,,even the doctors that live in this town had the soil tested and results came back that was not safe to have a fuckin MAIN SOURCE WATER SUPPLY for a city to to run under a graveyard...has been an issue in this city for years...nobody in this city actually drinks the tap water,,everyone buys bottled water,,or they dont know.
Yea i love Cali...i stayed in huntington beach for about a month and was lovin everyday!


Well-Known Member
Most times when I hear this, it is hydroton dust, from not rinsing the rocks 100% clear.
yea man that sounds like it would be the problem.Always rinse the hydroton or wash it clean with plain water upon its first useto get the dust and other particles that are on it off,.
I wana say it is but its 4th week of veg. and I cleaned the rocks really well when i gotem, that was almost a month ago. It just showed up outta nowhere like 3 days ago. I washed it off with some water, it was sticky, slimy and stuck to the roots like gum, but other than that there looking good. I had nutelock, but I think there coming back from that. :-|:-?:shock:

Hey there drinking like a gallon aday, Could I add water back to the top line and then add the nutes cus I have a PPM meter? or do I have to measure in 1/6 and add it back that way a lil at a time?



Active Member
I wana say it is but its 4th week of veg. and I cleaned the rocks really well when i gotem, that was almost a month ago. It just showed up outta nowhere like 3 days ago. I washed it off with some water, it was sticky, slimy and stuck to the roots like gum, but other than that there looking good. I had nutelock, but I think there coming back from that. :-|:-?:shock:

Hey there drinking like a gallon aday, Could I add water back to the top line and then add the nutes cus I have a PPM meter? or do I have to measure in 1/6 and add it back that way a lil at a time?

So I have read a million different opinions on this but I want you guys to give me your opinion. After inducing flowering, about how lone before you see diffinitive signs of male or female? I have been flowering for 5 days now and there doesn't seem to be any real obvious signs. Im worried that I might have done something wrong. They are still looking fabulous and healthy. Am I being impatient and paranoid for no reason?


Well-Known Member
So I have read a million different opinions on this but I want you guys to give me your opinion. After inducing flowering, about how lone before you see diffinitive signs of male or female? I have been flowering for 5 days now and there doesn't seem to be any real obvious signs. Im worried that I might have done something wrong. They are still looking fabulous and healthy. Am I being impatient and paranoid for no reason?
yup..just can take up to 2 weeks to show sex,or a lil more,depending on the maturity of the plant.Oeace man,,just chill theyll form,give em a minute


Elite Rolling Society
Harvesting and Curing
Many hydro growers drain the tank and fill it with plain water, two days before harvest. Called Flushing. (I quit doing that, I just could not taste any difference.) Soil growers also FLUSH before harvesting.
I cut the longest branches, put them on a tin-foiled covered tray, and go to my kitchen table. I try to catch any fallen trichomes on the tin foil.
I have three boxes, one for the big FAN leaves. (for oil)
one box for the TRIM leaves, the leaves with trichomes on them, that I manicured off the buds, FOR HASH. I've manicured much more since I learned how to make HASH. I want some naked STEM at the end of the buds to fasten my tape to, so I can hang it in the drying box.

AND One Box for the smaller popcorn buds. (small buds with no stems)

I manicure them, and cut the leaves off. I manicure closely. IF you leave those leaves on, by the time the buds are dry, the leaves are crispy and harsh to smoke.
I string masking tape across the top of the box, making rows about 3 or 4 inches a part. I wrap a piece of masking tape, about 4 inches long, around the tip end of the stem, and hang it from the masking tape, in rows, not letting the buds touch each other. VERY IMPORTANT.

I separate the bigger buds from the smaller ones IN DIFFERENT BOXES.
I put the boxes in a dark room, NO DIRECT LIGHT, and blow a gentle oscillating fan across the top, but not on them.
The big buds take 7 days, the smaller ones 5 days. Popcron buds take 3 or 4 days. Some take 5 days.
If you dry them too much, you can add back moisture. If you do not dry them enough, you get rotten buds and mold.
Dry them til the end of the stem will SNAP when you break it, but not crispy dry.
Again, the big buds take 7 days to dry, under a small fan,the smaller ones 5 days.
Keep them in the dark with little light to see and inspect.
I never smoke them then, NEVER.
VERY IMPORTANTLY I then CURE them 30 days in wide mouth jars, opening the jar for ten seconds EVERYDAY , for 30 days.
Every day, I sniff them, smell them, for any funky moldy smell. If they do not smell right, then dry them outside the jar another day or two.
I've lost one jar, out of hundreds, the 30th day, it went bad, to Bud MOLD.

I can not emphasis the importance and difference if you properly MANICURE, Dry AND Cure them.
DO I HAVE TO Cure 30 days?
Definitely, I do know for sure, I tried smoking buds cured for a only a week, for two weeks, three weeks and 4 weeks. You should try it too, and you will find what I found. Buds cured 4 weeks not only taste better, they burn better and get you higher too. It has something to do with some scientific complicated SUGAR PROCESSING. or the sugars change . I am 100% sure, you will agree, if you test it like I did. CURE FOR 30 DAYS!

DRYING? They say dry them til the stem will snap. Well, I get stems the thickness of fishing line and I get stems the thickness of a pencil, even bigger. That tells me that you can not DRY them ALL the same amount of time. So I sort mine, fatter stems from skinny stems. The skinny ones, I DRY for 5 or 6 days. The fat ones, I DRY for 7 to 8 days. IF YOU OVER DRY, YOU CAN REMOISTEN THEM. IF YOU DO NOT DRY THEM ENOUGH, THEY WILL ROT ! I dry mine in the open air, moving air, moved with an oscillating fan. A gentle breeze, in temps of what central air or central heat gives me, which is around 75 to 78 degrees and humidity of 30% to 40%.
AND YOU MUST DRY AND CURE THEM IN DARKNESS. LIGHT IS THE ENEMY WHEN DRYING AND CURING. I do DRY mine in a room with the shades pulled down, it is not very dARK, but it is not any direct LIGHT, just some leaking light. I read up on Drying and Curing in 4 books I bought, and the above is what they say.

Save the trim leaves for HASH, you'll be so glad you did.

When I put my buds in Jars, I put them in the jar one bud at a time, feeling it, to see if it is VERY dry, overly dry, or NOT dry enough.

I also save several large pieces of the STEM, for later. When I check a jar, if I find a vERY dry bud, a bud too crispy and dry, I ad a short piece of fresh moist stem to the jar, for a half day, to re-moistion it.

Daily inspecting the jars, opening and smelling them, is of the upmost importantance.

Those pics are a mixture of my 2007 and 2008 crop. The 2007 crop, I did not trim close. I trimmed, but not close. I'd leave a half inch, to keep the scissors from getting glued together adn I was just lazy and in a hurry. I always got a lot of very dry, too dry, bud leaves, that smoked harsh. More times than not, I threw them away or gave them away.

And then I got a KIEF Box with a screen, and I started trimming much closer. The 2008 pics, I trimmed close and everytime I opend a new jar, I went and trimmed them again, to make MORE hash.

Now I reccomend trimming as much as possible and making hash, I never leave any leaf to go into the jar now. I pluck off what I can not trim off.

Buds without STEMS, I just spread out in a box, NOT LETTING THEM PILE UP OR TOUCH EACH OTHER. I stir them everyday.
Proper Harvest and DRYING and Curing are as IMPORTANT as GROWING.

Attached Thumbnails

Popcorn buds:



Well-Known Member
Is attitude seeds a good company? I got mine from Nirvana Shop, they were kind of a cluster fuck but They delivered in two weeks. Does Attitude ship to the US?
yea man,,,they are the only company that i order from,them and BCBUDDEPOT.COM..they also give away free seeds according to how much you spend with them.


Active Member
yea man,,,they are the only company that i order from,them and BCBUDDEPOT.COM..they also give away free seeds according to how much you spend with them.
Right on, thats good to know. So I am exactly two weeks into flowering and there is a couple white hairs visible in a couple of my upper nodes. Not as much as i had expected for two weeks but then again the pre-flowering stage can last two weeks. Once again will you put my nerves at ease, does this sound like they are okay? Or am I paranoid again? My computer is fucked up so I have no pics.


Active Member
So Purp I have some important questions, help me as much as possible please. If I get a male, what is the best way to remove it from the BP System? Do you plant your seeds straight into the rockwool in the BP System or do you soak them and germ them in paper towells? If you can start the seeds straight in the BP System, am I ok to use my dual Spec. lights from beginning to end? Again if starting with seeds in the BPSystem do you leave the water pump constantly feeding the cubes? Or will it be to much for the seeds?


Well-Known Member
So Purp I have some important questions, help me as much as possible please. If I get a male, what is the best way to remove it from the BP System? Do you plant your seeds straight into the rockwool in the BP System or do you soak them and germ them in paper towells? If you can start the seeds straight in the BP System, am I ok to use my dual Spec. lights from beginning to end? Again if starting with seeds in the BPSystem do you leave the water pump constantly feeding the cubes? Or will it be to much for the seeds?
the best way to remove a male is dhop at the base and trim out MOST of the wont be able to get all of them.Root pruning is good too.
I let my beans soak in a cup of water until it cracks then put into a MOIST papertowel...too wet and itll dround them.Whjen the taproot gets 1/4" long,i put it in the presoaked rockwool root down with just the top of the seed showing.
Dual spec is the best for a full grow.
Cut the pump oss and take it and the feeder tubes out once the roots touch water and long enough.The pump fucks with the Ph.Makes it fluctuate although it rises naturally.Put the feeder tubes right on the rockwool,,,keep it wet until the roots touch water,then take it all out..just gets in the way.Once theyve found thier water source,they dont need the feeder tubes and will continue to grow down towards the water,GOOD LUCK,its not hard at all man..PeaCe. PuRp


Active Member
the best way to remove a male is dhop at the base and trim out MOST of the wont be able to get all of them.Root pruning is good too.
I let my beans soak in a cup of water until it cracks then put into a MOIST papertowel...too wet and itll dround them.Whjen the taproot gets 1/4" long,i put it in the presoaked rockwool root down with just the top of the seed showing.
Dual spec is the best for a full grow.
Cut the pump oss and take it and the feeder tubes out once the roots touch water and long enough.The pump fucks with the Ph.Makes it fluctuate although it rises naturally.Put the feeder tubes right on the rockwool,,,keep it wet until the roots touch water,then take it all out..just gets in the way.Once theyve found thier water source,they dont need the feeder tubes and will continue to grow down towards the water,GOOD LUCK,its not hard at all man..PeaCe. PuRp
Right on sounds simple enough thanks!!! So I now have my computer up and running and I have some close ups of the plants and I need your help to Distinguish them male or female....please....The first one is my best one and I know its a girl, It clearly has little white pistils. The second and third pics im not sure about, but they look kind of maleish to me. The Fourth one is kind of retarded, it doesn't really have a main stock after six inches, it split down the middle and branched out. But I too think it is a male. and If there is only one female from the bunch do you recommend cutting it down and starting over with my feminised seeds or is itworth it to grow just the one female. Also a quick lighting question. Are you typical household CFLs any good for aditional lighting?



Well-Known Member
Right on sounds simple enough thanks!!! So I now have my computer up and running and I have some close ups of the plants and I need your help to Distinguish them male or female....please....The first one is my best one and I know its a girl, It clearly has little white pistils. The second and third pics im not sure about, but they look kind of maleish to me. The Fourth one is kind of retarded, it doesn't really have a main stock after six inches, it split down the middle and branched out. But I too think it is a male. and If there is only one female from the bunch do you recommend cutting it down and starting over with my feminised seeds or is itworth it to grow just the one female. Also a quick lighting question. Are you typical household CFLs any good for aditional lighting?
yes that is what i used when i was growing with cfls..i used the 150w. replacements.


Active Member
yes that is what i used when i was growing with cfls..i used the 150w. replacements.
Okay, It has been 16 days of 12/12, I am leaving town in three days I will post some new pics. on Wed. for you to look at nd tell me what you think k, thanks purp


Active Member
no prob bro,just post em when u get back and ill take a look at them.
Well it took awhile but when I got home yesterday I was pleasently surprised when I found that three of them are females and one is fucking retarded and isn't showing yet. Okay so I am building a veg. chamber and I have a quick question. Are the long bulb florescents okay to grow from seed through the veg. stage? How about just your standard home spiral florescents?