Roseman and purpdaddys guide for my Bubbleponics setup from Stealth Hydroponics

why do the lights need 20 inches i was under the impression they could be a couple inches away


If you only have 5 ft for height, and the lights need 20 inches and the tank needs 20 inches, then you plants can only be about 18 to 20 inches tall, which is very short.

The bulbs are about ten inches long and go in a hood or reflector, making them 18 to 20 inches wide or high.



Hey roseman,

you seem tight with the guys over at stealthhydroponics you think you could ask them to fix their website im trying to buy shit from them and every time i try and checkout with all the shit in my cart it just says my cart is empty. sent in a mail already but thought you might know someone that could get it working quicker thx

Ive decided to just go with the 2 dual spectrum lights as you originally suggested since i have small space and it would be nice to be able to place them where i need . during the veg stage should i use both of the lights and also in the flowering stage later should still be using both or should i get a couple extra of the red spectrum i think for the flowering stage or should i continue using both?
You always use both, but it helps to have a 2 to 1 ratio, depending on the Cycle you are in, VEG or BLOOM.
i have the SH bubbleponices 6 gal setup. however, i'm currently only growing one plant in the system. do the quatities of nutes still remain the same?
i have the SH bubbleponices 6 gal setup. however, i'm currently only growing one plant in the system. do the quatities of nutes still remain the same?

Yes, what goes in the tank is like setting the table to eat, and your one plant will eat what it wants.
thx roseman..... i'm about 1 week in and have a nice little sprout growing with 2 fan leaves already. for the first 2 days, she was drinking the 1/4 bag of micro + 1/4 bag of grow nutes with half qt of water. now i've noticed that the water level in the tank isn't going down daily like it was prior.... possibly nute locked? i didn't over fertilize though, i weighed each nute bag to get exactly 1/4 bag..... should i be concerned? layoff the nutes? any suggestions?
When you siad "one plant" I did not know it was a baby. A plant needs 3 nodes, or 6 full leaves, to be ready for a full dose of nutes, stick to 1/4 pack for a while.
about how many root shoots should be in the water before i can remove the pump that goes to the rockwool cube? she has about 10 at this point and is about 2 inches high.....
10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make....

1. Don't Over water
Over watering kills cannabis plants. Water once the top few inches of the soil dry out.

Hydroponics is harder to over water because rockwool has such excellent drainage properties. As long as the rockwool cubes are not sitting in liquid it is virtually impossible to over water a hydroponic setup. A hydroponic setup could either be watered constantly as the drip method, or once to three times a day as in the flood and drain method.
2. Don't Tell People
Why? They will only be jealous. People love to feel important and that is why they will tell other people; because others will listen to them.
Keep it to yourself.

3. Touch/kill Germinating Seeds
Please have some patience. It sometimes takes 10 days for a seed to sprout. The paper towel method is not recommended because you must handle the seeds when transferring them from the paper towel to your growing medium.
4. Grow seeds from seeded cannabis
One of the greatest disappointments known to the growing man.
90% of what the final product will be is in the seed's genetics and has little to do with the environment the plant is grown in.
Many get their hands on the seed and think they have a gold mine. They will probably grow something like this: hermaphrodites, tall late flowering females coupled with early flowering males. This is because the only pollen that could have produced the seed was from a hermaphrodite or a very stunted and late flowering male the grower did not notice. Unless you are prepared for possible disappointment don't use "unknown" seeds. This is why people buy seeds from seedbanks.

5. Don't Over fertilize.
Fertilize after first 2 spiked leaves appear follow the label. DON'T FERTILIZE EVERY TIME YOU WATER!!!
Start with 25% and work your way up!
Leach the plants with lots of pure water every 2-4 weeks. Organic growing is recommended. Its tastes better and burns much better.
If the leaves suddenly twist or fold under, Leach and Spray with pure water for several days!

6. Don't Under fertilize
Under fertilizing is less common but it happens. If you are one of those people that likes to give the plant just enough nutrients make sure you use a organic soil mixture with blood meal and bone meal or some slow release fertilizer with micro nutrients.
7. Don't Start with Clones. (I personally don't agree with this, I use clones and cuttings)
Start with seeds. Bugs are a pain, So are plant diseases. Many growers are able to grow indoors without pest problems for years. If they do get pests they are probably not enjoying the change from their usual diet to cannabis resin! But as soon as you come in contact with others grow material (cuttings) it is almost guaranteed that its from a long time grower that has many different pests all eating cannabis and bug spray (and surviving) for hundreds of generations!... Think about it.
8. Don't Start Too Early Inside or Outdoors
For several reasons! If you are starting outdoors June 1 is perfect. But if I start earlier I will get bigger buds right? Probably Wrong!
Its strange but usually true. ill explain. Plants started in early spring will get big but they will take significantly longer to start flowering. This is because at the peak vegetative period they sense the light cycles getting longer and longer, until June 21. But they don't realize that its time to flower yet. Finally in the middle of August the plant says "HEY" "time to flower already" and it produces buds in August and September or later they will be tall as trees but thinner buds due to the fact that the sun is not as strong in September. Now if the ganja plants were put out later, as soon as they get a foot off the ground they say "what's going on" I am just in early veggie and the light hours aren't getting longer in fact SHORTER" Then the plants go crazy and since the sun is so bright in July and August you get amazing 6 foot trees that are heavier than the plants started in April!!! in addition to finishing earlier the late started plants are not nearly as noticeable.

Indoors is the same for different reasons. The light cannot penetrate more than a foot or two. So flower when plants are a foot tall. If you wait longer because you want bigger yields, you will get smaller yields and wait longer for them.
9. Don't Provide A Bad Environment.
Always provide air circulation and fresh air even during the night cycle is fine. All the air indoors should be replaced every 5-10 minutes.
Humidity between 30-70% temp aim for around 75-85' Even seedlings need a gentle fan to strengthen the stems.

10. Don't Harvest Too Early. I know its hard. You see the buds and resin forming at a rapid rate. The buds are potent and you feel tempted to chop em down! The only problem is that another 25% of the weight will form in 2 more weeks. Wait until the plants have totally stopped growing and the white pistils are at least 50-75% brown.
*NOTE: Outdoors if security is a factor make your own call on when to sacrifice the fields. Also take buds continuously in case of thieves.
ok, so i'm having some issues with the plant i am attempting to grow. i have rust spots on 4 of 6 leaves and they've begun to die and shrivel upward. i read in the cd-rom what you, roseman, wrote. temp in grow space is room temp. ph was high, and i adjusted it with 1/2 teaspoon while in resevoir. my nutes were measured to exactly 1/4 bag since plant is so small. roots look fine..... i will drain tank in a day or two and adjust ph before putting it in resevoir. so get my 6 gal in tank, add proper type of ph adjuster, then add nutes, and i should be able to recover from this? also, i cut the dead fan leaves off where they had died and left the rest of leaf attached to plant. was that the right thing to do? thanks
ok, so i'm having some issues with the plant i am attempting to grow. i have rust spots on 4 of 6 leaves and they've begun to die and shrivel upward. i read in the cd-rom what you, roseman, wrote. temp in grow space is room temp. ph was high, and i adjusted it with 1/2 teaspoon while in resevoir. my nutes were measured to exactly 1/4 bag since plant is so small. roots look fine..... i will drain tank in a day or two and adjust ph before putting it in resevoir. so get my 6 gal in tank, add proper type of ph adjuster, then add nutes, and i should be able to recover from this? also, i cut the dead fan leaves off where they had died and left the rest of leaf attached to plant. was that the right thing to do? thanks did good.Thats what i would have done IMMEDIATELY!They should shake back.They were lacking VITAL nutes desperately needed from the ph issue im tellin you now, but you should be ok,but then i dont know exactly what kind of shape their in either,a pic would help,You know to strain the nutes from the debris in em right?
thx purp. yea, the plant is in good shape overall though. thick stems, growing daily though not as fast as it should i think. i dont have a clue how to get a pic up here, lol, i can barely post replies! and yes, i do my best to strain out larger nutes. i use about 1 qt water mix in micro and grow and stir the hell out of it, then filter it and add it to tank. i read that the nutes alone balanced the ph, so i never checked it until the plant started acting up. i will check it now though, each water change, get it to 6.5ish, add it to tank, then add my nutes. the plant is an autoflowering dwarf so im wondering if she's extra sensitive to changes/problems ? as opposed to a normal plant. i'm about 13 days in, started from seed. she's about 2-3 inches high with 3 sets of leaves. i dont notice the water in the tank going down much at all, and that maybe shouldve been a clue that something was wrong. hopefully the ph correction will solve the issues.... thx again purp :)
i forgot to ask.... the ph strips that came with system suck. the directions arnt clear at all. is there a formula that i can use to adjust 6 gallons of water? such as 1 teaspoon of ph up or down drops the ph 1.0 , or something similar? i'd like to test it all at once, and be able to correct it quickly and easily. thx
i forgot to ask.... the ph strips that came with system suck. the directions arnt clear at all. is there a formula that i can use to adjust 6 gallons of water? such as 1 teaspoon of ph up or down drops the ph 1.0 , or something similar? i'd like to test it all at once, and be able to correct it quickly and easily. thx
depends on the ph of the water u startin off tapwater is 8.8!i have to use 5ml. down/per gallon.Get you a digital ph tester with liquid ph up and down,Makes life alot easier!
thx purp, i'm going to get a digi ph tester and the drops. just use regular aquarium ph drops right? also, i'm going to get an aquarium heater to keep the water a bit warmer. what is ideal temp. for the water in resevoir to be?
in normal conditions, the ideal temp for indoor growing is 72-76 F. The temp drops at night and shouldnt drop more than 15 F.,or excessive mold or humidity might become a prob!
thx purp. so i went to the petstore and got a ph tester and ph down liquid drops. my tap water tested out at over 7.2 ph- my chart only goes to 7.2, so it may be higher. however, i used drops per directions, and could not get the water to drop in ph at all! i had a fresh 5 gal bucket and tried for 2 hours using different strategies, but nothing would work. so finally i used powder stuff that came with SH system, and that lowered it to the 6.5 area. i put it into resevoir, added my 1/4 bag of micro and grow nutes , and re-tested it. it tested near to 6.5. i figured i had solved my ph problem. i then left the house for about 4 hours, and when i got back, i re-tested water and it was at or above 7.2 again! WTF ?? so i added powder stuff directly into resevoir, stirred it, and it tested it again. it tested fine. i dont understand what happened and why it keeps going back up... theres no way i can grow out of this system succesfully if i cant get the ph to hold at what i want....
thx purp. so i went to the petstore and got a ph tester and ph down liquid drops. my tap water tested out at over 7.2 ph- my chart only goes to 7.2, so it may be higher. however, i used drops per directions, and could not get the water to drop in ph at all! i had a fresh 5 gal bucket and tried for 2 hours using different strategies, but nothing would work. so finally i used powder stuff that came with SH system, and that lowered it to the 6.5 area. i put it into resevoir, added my 1/4 bag of micro and grow nutes , and re-tested it. it tested near to 6.5. i figured i had solved my ph problem. i then left the house for about 4 hours, and when i got back, i re-tested water and it was at or above 7.2 again! WTF ?? so i added powder stuff directly into resevoir, stirred it, and it tested it again. it tested fine. i dont understand what happened and why it keeps going back up... theres no way i can grow out of this system succesfully if i cant get the ph to hold at what i want....
you have really hard gonna have to start buying water or get a RO system because i am having the same trouble.i gotta buy nutes for hard water, from general hydroponics.i have to add 5ml. of down atleast per gallon .or more.