

Active Member
Hey im on day 4 for flowering 6 beautifull ladies, and im looking forward to switching to a HPS tomorrow. All is well, I just have one problem.. the roots are swallowing the AG inside and it's to the point where it's lifting the top of the AG to the point where the metal connectors on the back are not touching.. thus the pump turns off.. I've temporarily have solved this by putting a 5lb weight on the lid so the pump stays running....

So I've come here for help.. how can I tame these roots.. will trimming(more like butchering) the roots harm the plant? the roots are taking up like 1/4 of the water space too.. which is a big downside to the whole grow right now.. I expect to get some advise, RIU!

thank you :):peace:


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt really wanna trim the root's :S
Mabie u cld build a cheap dwc system and transplant them into it ?


Active Member
Yeah I'll take pics later... I would try for another setup, but im limited on funds right now.. just totaled my 08 cobra... life is great :) ...... I was just wondering if anyone else using a AG has had the same problem.. im not sure why not.. I had my plants in veg for nearly 5 weeks, maybe I vegged too long.. I don't know what else to do right now.... this really could prevent me from carrying this grow along. I'll be taking the pics now... more in a few minutes :(


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'll take pics later... I would try for another setup, but im limited on funds right now.. just totaled my 08 cobra... life is great :) ...... I was just wondering if anyone else using a AG has had the same problem.. im not sure why not.. I had my plants in veg for nearly 5 weeks, maybe I vegged too long.. I don't know what else to do right now.... this really could prevent me from carrying this grow along. I'll be taking the pics now... more in a few minutes :(
You got way to many plants man! The aerogarden can't support enough root space for that many plants, especially if you vegged them for as long as you say you did. I have one plant about 5 weeks in and I don't think I could even of handled a second plant looking at the root growth now. 2-3 is typically the maximum. Transplant or ditch a few, don't think your gunna have close to enough room for flowering. Pics would help!


Well-Known Member
Are they all female for sure...? if not, then getting rid of the males will actually benefit you haha hope for more males? lol If there all females, you got some work to do


Active Member
Are they all female for sure...? if not, then getting rid of the males will actually benefit you haha hope for more males? lol If there all females, you got some work to do
Yeah all 6 are femenized(Im assuming- got them femenized from Nirvana). I wasn't able to get pics, but what I was able to get were two 150w HPS, and im getting better nutes tomorrow(An Organic Hydro Trio). So yeah Im more than likely stuck with 3 girls per AG. Their root systems have become one... so yeah I'll just have to take the pics tomorrow for sure.. thanks for the reply :)


Active Member
Follow their advice and build a cheap DMC system. Your plants are getting to big for your system. Cutting roots will atleast slow down your plant if not hurt it.


Active Member
Ive decided to stop the grow.. it isn't worth freedom... I also heard these sites are a bad idea to use unless you're working with a differant proxy server..