

Active Member
I made the mistake of putting 3 plants in one pot.dum i know...they are 5 weeks old .i think they are to tangled to separate without the possibility of death to all 3 the seeds were very hard to get .....can i just cut the 2 off at the base and let the strongest one stay in the pot ?or would the roots rot from the plants i sacrificed and kill the one i want to keep


Well-Known Member
How big is the pot in question? As long as you are willing to give them time to heal, and are as gentle as possible I'd try to separate them. You say the seeds were hard to get, I would recommend trying to get the most from your investment. I'd soak the root mass in a bowl, tub, or pot a bit larger than the root mass then gently work them apart trying to preserve the soil their roots have. Or here another idea, LST those girls away from each other and get them a massive pot.


Well-Known Member
Just separate them as carefully as you can and replant in separate pots. Cannabis is pretty tough. You can lose roots and they'll do just fine. In fact I break roots up all the time and sometimes even trim them. I do that with other plants as well as do millions of people across the globe. I never experience the "Transplant Shock" many people speak of.

Just don't over water them. You want to water them in initially but after that it's best to let them dry out to just being damp and then keep the watering to just maintain that level of moisture. Many people overwater after transplant and keep the medium too wet which can starve the roots of oxygen and slow down growth.